Standing Building Recording
Date 10 August 2000 - 24 October 2000
Event ID 1034129
Category Recording
Type Standing Building Recording
NT 2515 7345 The Queen Anne Building. Archaeological recording was completed on the S exterior elevation, and on all interior elevations, in advance of restoration and repair works.The work follows on from an excavation carried out within the building interior, and a similar recording exercise on the S exterior elevation of the neighbouring Great Hall.
Over 250 individual archaeological features were recorded in database format, and scale elevations prepared of all recorded surfaces. The basic sequence of construction was confirmed, the Queen Anne Building being the latest in a series of structures on the site. Elements of a firing platform, with small gun ports,survives in the lower S and W walls (this feature may be shown on a prospect of the castle prepared by Gordon of Rothiemay in1647).
The interior features demonstrate the conversion of the Queen Anne Building from the original two-storey barracks to a single-storey space, with the concomitant alteration of the windows at first floor to cast light down into the newly open space.
A Dunn 2000
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
Kirkdale Archaeology