Field Visit
Date 5 May 1991
Event ID 1033750
Category Recording
Type Field Visit
There are at least four hut-circles (A-D), a farmstead (E) and two huts (F) to the SW of Feranach broch (NC82NW 1). A drystone wall enclosure associated with the farmstead appears to have impinged on a field-system composed of lynchets within which two patches of possible cord rig are visible.
A. NC 8434 2723 This hut-circle measures 9.2m in diameter within a stony bank 2m in thickness and 0.5m in height. The entrance lies on the WNW and is approached by a hollow running in from the S. The interior is levelled into the slope.
(KILD91 23)
B. NC 8441 2721 This hut-circle is levelled into the slope to form a platform measuring 11.8m in diameter within a bank 2.4m in thickness and 0.5m in height. The W side of the platform is clipped by the drystone- walled enclosure associated with the farmstead (E).
(KILD91 280)
C. NC 8437 2719 This hut-circle is levelled into the slope to form a platform measuring 12.7m from NW to SE by 10.7m transversely and up to 1.2m in height. A lynchet, about 1.3m in height, runs away from the NW and SE arc.
(KILD91 281)
D. NC 8441 2715 This hut-circle has been levelled into the slope to form a platform 7m in diameter and 0.4m in height. What may be a further platform lies immediately to the N.
(KILD91 466)
E. NC 8440 2728 On the SW-facing slope below the broch (NC82NW 1), there are the remains of a farmstead set in the NE angle of a trapezoidal, drystone-walled enclosure. The farmstead comprises a rectangular building, with outshots at both ends, measuring 9.2m from ESE to WSW by 4.3m transversely within mortared-rubble walls 0.65m in thickness and up to 1.8m in height at the gables. The entrance, which is flanked by single windows, lies on the SSW side and there is a narrow terrace at the front of the building and a drain along the rear.
The sheep-farm of Feranach was established in 1813, and comprised the lands to the N of the Abhainn na Frithe, including Tomich, which were let to Hugh Sutherland in 1815 (Adam 1972).
(PJ Adam 1972; KILD91 24, 25, 26)
F. NC 8439 2731 This rectangular hut measures 4m from NE to SW by 2m transversely within a bank 1.2m in thickness and 0.2m in height. What may be a second hut lies some 8m to the SW.
(KILD91 27)
The field-system is composed of at least two, and possibly three, lines of parallel lynchets standing up to 1.5m in height. These define at least three plots set along the contour, the southernmost of which has two banks aligned across the contour sub-dividing it. Hut-circles 'A' and 'C' are juxtaposed with the lynchets but the exact nature of the relationship is not clear. Immediately to the NW of 'A' there is what may be a small patch of cord rig. On the terrace to the NW of 'C' what may be further cord rig is visible on oblique aerial photographs (RCAHMSAP 1991), but could not be seen on the ground at the date of visit. Further ridging, measuring about 3m between furrows, overlies the lynchet which runs between 'A' and 'C'.
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC) 5 May 1991.