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Field Visit

Date 5 September 2017

Event ID 1031916

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This group of at least 5 platforms occupies the E of the island downslope from the summit area, north of the bait hole and south of the old jetty. The area is dominated by a natural terrace that stretches from the S to the N, but it has clearly been modified in places and the building, slag and smaller scoops indicate a mixture of settlement, industry and burial-related activity that may be of post-medieval date.

22. NM 75288 68292: This grass, reed and Hawthorn-grown oval platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the E side of the island, measures 5.7m from N to S by 5.1m transversely, with a rear scarp 1.5m high and a frontal apron 0.2m high.

23. NM 75279 68294: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the E side of the island, measures 6m from N to S by 5.4m transversely, with a rear scarp 0.5m high and a frontal apron 0.2m high.

24. NM 75289 68289: This grass and reed-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the E side of the island, measures 5.5m square, with a rear scarp 1m high.

25. NM 75289 68271: This fern, grass and hazel-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the E side of the island, measures 28.5m from N to S by 5.5m transversely, with a rear scarp 1.8m high and a frontal apron 1m high. There are traces of a rectangular building at the N end measuring 5.8m from E to W by 2.8m transversely, within spread turf walls 1.3m thick and up to 0.2m high.

26. NM 75286 68242: This grass-grown platform, which is cut back into the steeply rising slope on the ESE side of the island, measures 20.5m from NNE to SSW by 6.1m transversely, with a rear scarp 1m high. Jim Kirby believes that this may be the site of a bloomery, as he has noted many fragments of iron slag at the NE edge of the platform and on the shore below.

Visited by HES, Archaeological Survey (ATW, GFG) 5 September 2017

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