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Watching Brief
Date 2 March 2016 - 3 March 2016
Event ID 1023709
Category Recording
Type Watching Brief
NS 8788 0088 A watching brief was undertaken during the construction of access tracks associated with the clear felling of a mature conifer plantation on the castle site. A short length of stone enclosure wall was found on the N edge of the bailey. A 6m section of stone wall was also exposed on the NE corner of the motte and a large architectural stone fragment, possibly a window or door surround, was recovered from top soil deposits in the same area. The fragment is probably 16th-century in date and it is likely that it and the two enclosure walls relate to a late medieval building which is known to have been constructed on the site of the earlier timber castle. No internal features were observed in either the motte or bailey.
Report: DGC HER and NRHE (intended)
Funder: Buccleuch Estates
John Pickin
(Source: DES, Volume 17)
OASIS ID: johnpick1-400167