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Field Visit

Date 31 August 2016

Event ID 1018656

Category Recording

Type Field Visit


This group of blackhouses and enclosures stands in a sheltered hollow on the E bank of the Allt na Culaig burn, just 100m E of the western limit of the cultivated ground once associated with Kraiknish township. This township comprises eleven buildings, arranged in five groups that probably reflect individual farmsteads. Each building is sub-rectangular on plan, orientated up-and-down the slope, and constructed with thick stone-lined walls in the fashion of a typical blackhouse.

The northernmost blackhouse (NG 36838 23331) measures about 11m from N to S by 3m transversely within walls up to 2m in thickness and 1m in height, and it has an entrance in the E wall. A small room attached at the S end of the W side measures 5m from N to S by 2.5m internally and is probably secondary. The SW group comprises three buildings, one of which is apparently primary, and there is evidence in at least two of the longer buildings for a feature, perhaps a bed neuk, at the higher S end of the room.

Visited by HES Survey and Recording (GFG) and Forestry Commission (MR) 31 August 2016.

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