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Survey photographs: Possible enclosure and World War II defences at Whitberry point; general view of Bathan's Strand; Ravensheugh Sands showing World War II defences anti-tank blocks, pill-box, look- ...
BS 47/02 CS
Description Survey photographs: Possible enclosure and World War II defences at Whitberry point; general view of Bathan's Strand; Ravensheugh Sands showing World War II defences anti-tank blocks, pill-box, look-out, gateway blocks E and W, possible rubble wall/causeway; sea wall at Scougal Rocks; Seacliff Tower including views of N and W walls; Seacliff Harbour; Auldhame 16th century house; North Berwick including Castle Hill motte, Sands Cottage 3 Melbourne Road, swimming pool and paddling pool; information board at Victoria Road and Quality Street, St Andrew's Kirk and graveyard with 13th century cope gravestone and 13th and 15th century gravestones.
Date 1996
Collection Historic Scotland Archive Project
Catalogue Number BS 47/02 CS
Category Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
Medium Colour slide
External Reference GUARD 346, film 2