Plan of land to the East of Pleasance, showing position of Salisbury Street. Titled: 'PLAN of PROPERTY of the PLEASANCE DISPONED by the LATE MR CARNEGIE January 1817'. Insc: 'Edinr 24 Februar ...
GHT PP/109/B/1
Description Plan of land to the East of Pleasance, showing position of Salisbury Street. Titled: 'PLAN of PROPERTY of the PLEASANCE DISPONED by the LATE MR CARNEGIE January 1817'. Insc: 'Edinr 24 February 1817 This is the Plan of the Property contained in charters in our favour of this date by the Governors of Heriots Hospital (Sgd) David Carnegie Jas Carnegie'. Signed: '(Sgd.) Thos Bonnar S.G.H.H'. Dated: 'Edinr 16th January 1817'.
Date 16/1/1817
Collection Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number GHT PP/109/B/1
Category Prints and Drawings
Scale 1/4":10'
Medium Waxed linen, ink, colour wash
Accession Number 1985/15
Attribution & Restricted Use Summary
Attribution: © Courtesy of HES (George Heriot’s Trust Collection)
Licence Type: Limited
You may solely view this material on the Canmore Site. No other use is permitted.