Section of ground on the line of proposed buildings fronting Queen Street and sections showing declivity to this ground from Lord Morays East to Mrs Scott's West boundary.
GHT PP/8/A/1
Description Section of ground on the line of proposed buildings fronting Queen Street and sections showing declivity to this ground from Lord Morays East to Mrs Scott's West boundary.
Date c. 1770
Collection Records of George Heriot's Trust, Edinburgh, Scotland
Catalogue Number GHT PP/8/A/1
Category Prints and Drawings
Copies C 13225 P
Scale 1/8":5'
Medium Paper, ink
Accession Number 1985/15
Attribution & Restricted Use Summary
Attribution: © Courtesy of HES (George Heriot’s Trust Collection)
Licence Type: Limited
You may solely view this material on the Canmore Site. No other use is permitted.