View looking NNW showing part of SW and SE fronts
SC 699465
Description View looking NNW showing part of SW and SE fronts
Date 1969
Collection Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 699465
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content Garrion Mill, North Lanarkshire This mill was one of the few water-powered grain mills driven by the water of the river Clyde. It was a large mill, and operated until the mid 1960s milling provender. The main mill was a four-storey and attic masonry structure, probably of mid-19th century date, and there were large additions, mostly in brick. This shows the mill from the south-east, with the main mill building in the centre. To the right is a large granary, steel-framed and clad in corrugated asbestos. The other buildings are brick-built. This mill was disused by 1969. Because of its dramatic situation in the gorge of the Clyde, attempts were made to have it converted to an hotel, but these were ruled out owing to its difficult access from the east end of Garrion Bridge. Almost all of the buildings have since been demolished. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference H35/69/27/6
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: HES (Reproduced courtesy of J R Hume)
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