View of family group of ladies in garden, titled 'Back garden, 2 Corrennie Gardens, Edinburgh 1906'; 'Frances Edmonds, Cornelia and Dorothy, Ethel Yardley, Marjorie and G F Turnbull'. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM ...
PA 116/17/1
Description View of family group of ladies in garden, titled 'Back garden, 2 Corrennie Gardens, Edinburgh 1906'; 'Frances Edmonds, Cornelia and Dorothy, Ethel Yardley, Marjorie and G F Turnbull'. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO.116: G F TURNBULL
Date 1906
Collection General Collection. Photograph Albums.
Catalogue Number PA 116/17/1
Category Print Room
Copy of PA 116
Copies DP 257288
Accession Number 1992/15