Plan of loopholed embrasure in West Curtain at Skipness Castle.
SC 370357
Description Plan of loopholed embrasure in West Curtain at Skipness Castle.
Collection Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Catalogue Number SC 370357
Category On-line Digital Images
Copy of SC 370269
Scope and Content Plan of arrow-loop embrasure (looking out) in west curtain wall of Skipness Castle, Knapdale, Argyll Skipness Castle was upgraded to a stone fortress by the Stewart Earls of Menteith, probably when, with John MacDougall of Lorn's help, John Menteith held Knapdale against the MacSweens and the MacDonald Lords of the Isles. A bowman could stand under the arch and shoot at attackers in relative safety. At the time, the crosslet style of the arrow-loop would have been very up-to-date. Crosslet, or cross-shaped, arrow-loops were rare in Scottish castles. They first appeared in England in the early 13th century. The horizontal slit was probably intended to give an archer a wider field of vision without exposing him to attackers. Source: RCAHMS contribution to SCRAN.
External Reference Inv. fig. 169
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