Aerial view of Cairn o'Mount, Grampians, Aberdeenshire, looking NW.
SC 1970262
Description Aerial view of Cairn o'Mount, Grampians, Aberdeenshire, looking NW.
Date 2/1982
Collection Papers of James Sloan Bone, landscape historian, Inverness, Highland, Scotland
Catalogue Number SC 1970262
Category On-line Digital Images
Scope and Content This slightly out of focus image shows Cairn o'Mount under partial snow cover. Probable rig and furrow cultivation is visible E of the road at circa NO 65130 80238 on the slopes above the Cairn Burn. They possibly extend further to the W on the other side of the road, though the altitude might preclude this. The furrows appear to be overlain by erosion tracks of previous routes over the Mounth before the modern B967 was built. The scheduled cairn which gives its name to this route is not obvious in this image. Title and Scope & Content contributed by North of Scotland Archaeological Society (2021).
Accession Number 2019/15
External Reference S0121
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Copyright: NOSAS (James S Bone Collection). Courtesy of HES.
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