Men working on board a ship, titled 'Red Sea November 1906, Landing boats at fire drill, S.S. Derbyshire'. The S.S. Derbyshire may have belonged to the Bibby Line, travelling between London and Rangoo ...
DP 257303
Description Men working on board a ship, titled 'Red Sea November 1906, Landing boats at fire drill, S.S. Derbyshire'. The S.S. Derbyshire may have belonged to the Bibby Line, travelling between London and Rangoon, stopping at Colombo and Port Said. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO.116: D M TURNBULL
Date 11/1906
Collection General Collection. Photograph Albums.
Catalogue Number DP 257303
Category On-line Digital Images
Copy of PA 116/2V/2
Accession Number 1992/15
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap