Group of ranked men in uniform, taken outside a number of pitched tents, two men holding panel with letter 'A'. Unknown location. This could be members of the Dumbartonshire Rifle Volunteers which b ...
PA 116/9
Description Group of ranked men in uniform, taken outside a number of pitched tents, two men holding panel with letter 'A'. Unknown location. This could be members of the Dumbartonshire Rifle Volunteers which became part of the 9th (Dumbartonshire) Battalion Princes Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders) in 1908. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM NO.116: D M TURNBULL
Date c. 1900
Collection General Collection. Photograph Albums.
Catalogue Number PA 116/9
Category Print Room
Copy of PA 116
Copies DP 257320
Accession Number 1992/15