Oblique aerial view of the valley of the Eweslees burn with Ewes Doors in the foreground (c400m OD) and Eweslees farmstead in the distance (c200m OD) to the SE. The Roman watch tower is visible as a c ...
SC 1495804
Description Oblique aerial view of the valley of the Eweslees burn with Ewes Doors in the foreground (c400m OD) and Eweslees farmstead in the distance (c200m OD) to the SE. The Roman watch tower is visible as a circular earthwork at the bottom of the image, and fragments of old trackways can be seen crossing the pass and heading into the valley below, while a series of linear earthworks run across the pass.
Date 10/9/1997
Collection RCAHMS Aerial Photography
Catalogue Number SC 1495804
Category On-line Digital Images
Copy of D 86730 CS
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1495804
File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap
Attribution: © Crown Copyright: HES
Licence Type: Internally Generated
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