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Edinburgh, Palmerston Place, St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral interior view . Titled: 'St Mary's Cathedral looking east, 6871 G.W.W.' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No. 195: George Washington Wilson Album.

DP 148056

Description Edinburgh, Palmerston Place, St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral interior view . Titled: 'St Mary's Cathedral looking east, 6871 G.W.W.' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No. 195: George Washington Wilson Album.

Date c. 1900

Collection General Collection. Photograph Albums.

Catalogue Number DP 148056

Category On-line Digital Images

Copy of PA 195/138/1

Accession Number 1997/61

External Reference 6871 G.W.W.


File Format (TIF) Tagged Image File Format bitmap

Collection Hierarchy - Item Level

Collection Level (551 87) General Collection. Photograph Albums.

Batch Level (PA 195) Photograph Album No 195: Photographs by G W Wilson and Co.

>> Item Level (DP 148056) Edinburgh, Palmerston Place, St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral interior view . Titled: 'St Mary's Cathedral looking east, 6871 G.W.W.' PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No. 195: George Washington Wilson Album.

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