Excavation photographs: General views of site area; Subsoil, ditch fill and section of Trench 1; Ditch section of Trench 2; Ditch fill and section of Trench 4; Stones of level 4 in fill of ditch of Tr ...
BP 146/1
Description Excavation photographs: General views of site area; Subsoil, ditch fill and section of Trench 1; Ditch section of Trench 2; Ditch fill and section of Trench 4; Stones of level 4 in fill of ditch of Trench 5. 1985 season. (descriptions written on back of photos)
Date 1985
Collection Historic Scotland Archive Project
Catalogue Number BP 146/1
Category Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
Copies SC 1110094
Accession Number 2001/93
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/collection/1106846