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Hume, Old Parish Church

Burial Vault (Period Unassigned), Church (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Hume, Old Parish Church

Classification Burial Vault (Period Unassigned), Church (Period Unassigned)

Alternative Name(s) St Nicholas Church

Canmore ID 58559

Site Number NT74SW 2

NGR NT 70010 40844

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Scottish Borders, The
  • Parish Hume
  • Former Region Borders
  • Former District Berwickshire
  • Former County Berwickshire

Accessing Scotland's Past Project

The site of Hume Parish Church, which was founded in the mid-twelfth century, lies approximately 800m south-west of Hume Castle. Although the churchyard is still in use, the church and an associated burial aisle are both ruinous, the church having fallen out of use after Hume parish amalgamated with Stichill parish in 1640. It was then destroyed around 1653 by Cromwell's troops.

All that remains today are overgrown stone footings and the remains of a burial vault known as the Earl's Aisle. Reserved for the Earls of Home, this structure was originally part of the chancel. Much of it was removed in 1992 and today all that can be seen is an iron railing and some overgrown pieces of walling.

Dedicated to St Nicholas, Hume Parish Church was gifted to the monks of Kelso by Gospatrick, 3rd Earl of Dunbar. It is possible that this mid-twelfth century church was itself constructed on the site of an earlier building, as an ecclesiastical bell found nearby was thought to date from between 600 and 900 AD (NT74SW 36).

Text prepared by RCAHMS as part of the Accessing Scotland's Past project

Archaeology Notes

NT74SW 2.00 70010 40844

NT74SW 2.01 NT 700 407 Cross

NT74SW 36 NT 70 40 Bell

(NT 7000 4082) Hume Church (NR) (Site of)

OS 6"map, Roxburghshire, 2nd ed.,(1909).

The Ordnance Survey Name Book (ONB), describing the 'Earl's Aisle', notes that it was originally a small unroofed enclosure; this was taken down and the present roofed building erected. (It could be that the lower courses of the present building belong to the earlier enclosure, and not to the church, as suggested by OS field surveyor {JFC}.

Name Book 1858.

Hume Church was dedicated to St Nicholas, and during the reign of Malcolm IV (1153-65), Earl Cospatrick gave it to the monks of Kelso. There is nothing known of the old church building; only the foundations in the shape of irregular mounds can be traced in the old burial ground. The only remnant still in existence is an ancient Celtic ecclesiastical bell, now in Kelso Museum.

J Robson 1896; J Ferguson 1892.

The remains are represented by the turf-covered lower courses of a rectangular building, 7.8m by 27.5m externally, average height 0.5m. At the E end the ground slopes, so that the wall rises to 1.2m above ground level.

The S wall of the burial vault, the 'Earl's Aisle', is built on the line of the N wall of the church; the lower courses of the vault wall are of different type and size of masonry from the remainder, and may be part of the church wall in situ.

There is now no museum at Kelso, and the present location of the bell is unknown.

Visited by OS(JFC) 24 January 1955.

The nave of the church now forms part of the burial ground and appears to have done so from at least the 18th century, for the earliest legible dated gravestone within the outline of the building is '1723'. Resurveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS(RDL) 23 August 1963.

Generally as described in the previous field reports, the remains are known locally as Hume Church.

Visited by OS(RD) 20 July 1966.

(NT 7000 4082) St Nicholas' Ch (NR) (rems of)

OS 6"map, (1971).

Only the turf-covered footings of this church remain. It served as the parish church of Hume until the parish was united with Stichill in 1640.

RCAHMS 1980; I B Cowan 1967.


Project (10 August 2018 - 21 August 2018)

NT 70004 40836 (Hume Old Parish Church) and NT 70469

41392 (Hume Castle) A three year project, led by the

Hume Castle Preservation Trust and working with local

volunteer groups and organisations, is being carried out

to investigate the remains of Hume Castle, the medieval

village of Hume, the former parish Church of St Nicholas,

and the surrounding landscape, in order to provide a better

understanding of the history of the sites. Over the course of

the three years a series of workshops and field seasons will

be conducted to investigate their historical background,

complete a walkover survey of the study area, conduct

a geophysical survey and graveyard survey at the former

parish church, conduct a historic building record of the

castle, and carry out excavations at key sites identified

during the survey works.

Contextualising Hume: Gravestone detail © HARP

A programme of work was undertaken 10–21 August 2018.

A walkover survey was conducted within land owned

by the Hume Castle Preservation Trust and surrounding

Hume Castle by HARP, supported by volunteers from the

local community. The walkover survey was used both as a

training opportunity, and to identify the extant remains of

sites surrounding the castle. The survey used results from

a former drone survey completed by HES to target specific

sites identified from the air. The survey identified a number

of the sites picked up by the drone, in particular a series of

house platforms and terraces relating to the former medieval

village and castle structures. Vegetation cover and terrain

made it difficult to identify all of the sites, but those that

were found could also be analysed on the ground, sometimes

suggesting different site types than previously identified.

A possible track way running around the N and E sides of

the castle was also revealed, which appears to have been

subsequently overlain by the dry stone walls of the loaning

to the E, suggesting an earlier date for the trackway. The

survey was able to highlight a number of suitable sites for

future excavation.

A graveyard survey was conducted within Hume Cemetery,

formerly housing the parish church of Hume. The graveyard

contains >100 visible memorial stones which were recorded

by plane table survey, and during 2018 survey and condition

recording were completed on 47 of the stones. A large

proportion of the stones are located within the bounds of the

former church, now visible as an earthen mound, towards

the centre of the graveyard. The earliest stone identified thus

far dates to 1717, and five of the 47 recorded stones have

been found to no longer be located in their original position.

The graveyard survey will continue in 2019.

Geophysical survey was completed within the graveyard

of the church of Hume, along with two fields located

immediately to the E, and S, which formed the glebe once

associated with the church. Within the graveyard the

geophysical results have highlighted a number of graves,

mainly marked by gravestones, and the likely foundations of

the former church. Within the footings of the church there

is evidence of possible internal divisions, while the exterior

of the church has also produced some linear anomalies

that may be representative of earlier walls of the church, or

possibly earlier boundaries of the graveyard. In the glebe

to the E there is evidence for possible pits and postholes,

possibly related to an earlier structure. Further pits have been

identified in the glebe to the S of the graveyard.

Historic building recording was conducted at Hume Castle,

with an enhanced survey taking place to record the exterior

elevations of the W, S, SE, and E-facing walls of the current

folly. The recording has been carried out in order to identify

architectural features within the castle, and to provide a

baseline record. The recording will continue in 2019 with an

aim to complete the record of the exterior elevations, and to

conduct the same level of recording on the interior elevations.

Archive and report: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Heritage Lottery Fund and Fallago Environment Fund


Ian Hill, Kieran Manchip, Samira Hill, Gern Midlane, Iain Pringle

and Rebecca Barclay – Heritage and Archaeological Research

Practice (HARP)

(Source: DES, Volume 19)

Excavation (8 March 2021 - 30 August 2021)

NT 70004 40836 – NT 70469 41392 A three year project led by the Hume Castle Preservation Trust, and working with local volunteer groups and organisations, is being carried out to investigate the remains of Hume Castle; the medieval village of Hume; the former parish Church of St Nicholas; and the surrounding landscape. The aim to gain a better understanding of the history of the sites. Over the course of the three years a series of workshops and field seasons will be conducted to investigate their historical background; complete a walkover survey of the study area; conduct a geophysical survey and graveyard survey at the former parish church; conduct an historic building record of the castle; and carry out excavations at key sites identified during the survey work.

The 2020 summer field season was delayed due to the

Covid-19 pandemic, with the archaeological excavation carried out in Spring 2021 over the course of 3 weeks, and the graveyard re-assessment conducted over three days.

NT 70469 41392 Hume Castle (Canmore ID: 367583) Two trenches were excavated to investigate two structures within the settlement, one test-pit was excavated to investigate the potential eastern defences of the medieval castle, and two test- pits were excavated to investigate the deposits and geology to the W of the castle. Trench 1 (4 x 4 m) was located to investigate structural remains identified during previous survey work (Building 41), with a drone survey indicating a rectangular building on an approximately E–W orientation. It is located to the SW of the castle, on the northern side of a possible access route up to the castle. Whilst the trench was excavated to target an internal division, and the southern wall of the building, the uncovered remains indicated a more complex floor plan to the building. Rather than an internal division running N–S through a rectangular building, excavations in Trench 1 revealed an outer (southern) wall to the structure that possibly terminated towards the western end of the trench. Whilst erosion may have eroded the wall, it is also possible that the lack of wall remains indicates an entranceway into the building. The southern face of the wall was not revealed. The uncovered remains suggest a significant composite wall, surviving to a width of greater than 1m, with a stone (internal) face and a rubble and clay infill. To the N (interior) of this wall, a significant amount of stone collapse was identified, along with two further stone built walls, with the remains of a possible N/S wall protruding from the eastern section of the trench, and the corner of a further building, or room, indicated by an ‘L’ shaped composite stone and clay wall identified in the NW corner of the trench. The artefacts retrieved during excavations in Trench 1 indicate that the building was still in use, or at least activity was still occurring here into the 18th or 19th centuries. It is possible, therefore, that if the complex of buildings here were in use prior to the destruction of the castle, that these buildings were subsequently repurposed, or indeed reconstructed, on top of earlier structures, and continued to be used many years after the destruction of the castle.

Trench 2 (4 x 4 m) was located to investigate structural remains of a potential platform house with associated enclosure, located to the N of the NE corner of the castle. The uncovered remains largely correspond to the postulated remains identified in previous survey work. The structural remains uncovered suggest a possible wall that would correspond to the southern wall of the identified building, with three walls or partial walls representing a potential enclosure appended to the S side of this building. The nature of the artefacts suggest that this building was likely a domestic structure, with large amounts of glazed ceramic and bottle glass uncovered, also indicating that the building was in use, or there was at least activity in this part of the site, until sometime in the 19th century. Due to the proximity of this excavated area to the road and the modern village of Hume however, it cannot be discounted that some of the artefacts may be rubbish deposits, thrown over the boundary wall located just to the N. The discovery of a jetton on top of wall remains also points to earlier activity within the area, but this find alone cannot suggest that the building itself was in use during the late medieval period. At the SW corner of the trench the discovery of a series of large stones and boulders suggest the possibility of a significant wall to the S of the identified building and possible enclosure, possibly a retaining wall. Test-pit 1 was located to investigate the deposits and geology to the W of the castle, and S of the entrance gate from the castle car park. The test-pit was located on the route of a modern vehicle access track and measured 1 x 1m. Excavations in Test-pit 1 did not uncover any significant archaeological remains. The test-pit revealed bedrock outcropping only 300mm below ground surface at this part of the site, also indicating stone tumble from upslope to the E likely associated with erosion, however it cannot be ruled out that the tumbled stones may have been associated with the destruction of the castle and associated features.

Test-pit 2 was located to investigate the deposits and geology to the SW of the castle, and was located to the SW of Test-pit 1, at the western end of a possible entrance route up to the castle. The test-pit measured 1 x 1m. The topography and bedrock outcropping, creating a natural holloway at the location of Test- pit 2 suggested the possibility of a track way leading up to the SW of the castle. This was confirmed with excavation following the discovery of a metalled surface. Whilst only a small portion of the surface was uncovered in the Test-pit, it is likely that the track continues up the holloway and passes adjacent to the S of the structural remains in Trench 1, whilst also passing by a second building directly opposite to the S of the remains uncovered in Trench 1.

Test-pit 3 was located to investigate the deposits and character

of a potential defensive rampart located to the E of the castle. The test-pit measured 3 x 1m and was orientated approximately NE/SW across the potential rampart in order to characterise its construction and depth. Excavations in Test-pit 3 revealed a large number of stones that have likely tumbled down the natural slope from the W. The remains of a possible wall were recorded as running across the test-pit from the NW to SE that may correlate with the remains of a bank identified during the previous drone survey. The nature and topography of the exposed bedrock however, indicate that these stones likely came to naturally rest in a deeper area of subsoil than those further upslope, potentially acting as a natural barrier to proceeding tumble, rather than having been formally built as a wall or boundary. The remains uncovered in Test-pit 3 do not seem to indicate any evidence of castle defences, or associated boundaries, and are likely a reflection of the natural topography in this part of the site, however the amount of tumbled stone located in this area suggest that the stone deposits may relate to the destruction phase of the castle.

NT 70004 40836 Hume Old Parish Kirkyard (Canmore ID:

367583) The graveyard condition survey of the visible memorials was undertaken in the late summer of 2021, and assessed whether changes to the graveyard had occurred since the initial survey in 2018 and 2019. A graveyard condition report will follow to determine the nature and extent of the changes that have taken place at the graveyard.

Archive: NRHE

Funder: Heritage Lottery Fund and the Fallago Environment Fund

Ian Hill, Michelle Gamble and Samira Hill – Heritage and Archaeological Research Practice (HARP)

(Source: DES Vol 22)

Sbc Note

Visibility: This is an upstanding earthwork or monument.

Information from Scottish Borders Council


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