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Stirling Castle, The King's Old Buildings

Building(S) (Period Unassigned)

Site Name Stirling Castle, The King's Old Buildings

Classification Building(S) (Period Unassigned)

Alternative Name(s) Douglas Block; Parliament House; Regimental Headquarters; Argyle And Sutherland Highlanders Museum

Canmore ID 142493

Site Number NS79SE 6.06

NGR NS 78961 94073

NGR Description Centred NS 78961 94073

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Stirling
  • Parish Stirling
  • Former Region Central
  • Former District Stirling
  • Former County Stirlingshire

Archaeology Notes

NS79SE 6.06 centred 78961 94073

Kirkdale Archaeology carried out a series of excavations in the western areas of Stirling Castle, centred around an area known as 'Ladies Lookout'. Deep deposits of dumped and naturally accumulated layers were uncovered, a selection of which were sent to CFA Archaeology for analysis. The layers were found to contain pottery fragments, glass, animal bone, cereal remains, plant material, wood charcoal, coal and cinders.

M Hastie 2006.


Excavation (November 1996 - 23 June 1997)

NS 790 940 A series of excavations were undertaken at Stirling Castle by Kirkdale Archaeology during 1996-7, as part of the ongoing refurbishments to the buildings in the Upper and Lower Squares.

W wall of the Great Hall

Three 1sqm holes were opened against the W side of the Great Hall, on top of the transe vault. Surviving patches of harling on the wall of the Great Hall provided samples for analysis. The top of the transe had been revealed before in excavations.

Army kitchens

Two small rooms were investigated in the E end of the building used as the army kitchens between the S end of the King's Old Buildings and the NW corner of the palace. The aim was to reduce the levels in these rooms by approximately 0.8m in order to provide an access route from the palace porch via a currently blocked doorway into the range. The grey stone paving slabs were removed by a Historic Scotland squad.

It would seem that up to almost 1m of deposits survive below the floor of the army kitchen range, including important information about the medieval castle. The presence of graves indicates that the shell of this building may, despite its later appearance, be that of the other chapel at the castle, possibly that used for private worship by the monarchy, situated as it is between the King's Old Buildings and what is thought to be the site of the queen's lodgings.

The Transe

An excavation was undertaken within the transe on the W side of the Great Hall, with the intention of excavating to bedrock and recording the structure itself. The uncovering of setts in the S part of the transe meant that the brief was changed in order to leave the surface in situ.

The features in the transe fell into seven basic phases, the first one being that which encompassed the worn surface of the bedrock and the surviving patches of surfaces earlier than the transe wall, giving some idea of what the ground surface was like when the Great Hall was constructed at the end of the 15th century. It may be that the lower doors and the window were visible giving an added impression of height to the Hall. It is possible that the W transe wall was built at the same time as the Great Hall, in order to support the lean-to roof which ran along its W side. No evidence was found for the method of access to the main door of the Great Hall. It is assumed that a bridge across the unroofed transe to the door is the most likely solution, although the Chapel Royal prior to the upstanding building would have blocked this access somewhat. The surface of the transe floor yielded no evidence for a staircase against the face of the Hall.

The fourth phase was that of the E-W transe added to the N side of the Great Hall, with a lean-to storey on top, presumably done at some point in the 16th century. The uncertainty of the structural sequence at the N end of the transe possibly reflects a complicated sequence of construction and adaptation of upstanding structures in order to support the range and/or the later vestibule built to connect the Great Hall and the Chapel Royal in the 17th century. There is evidence of a blocked door in the return of the Great Hall and the vestibule in the Upper Square, a feature which would probably have been reflected structurally in the transe. The vaulting of the transe must have happened prior to this and almost certainly before the new Chapel Royal was built at the end of the 16th century, because the chapel takes account of the raised level of the Upper Square.

Many of the features in the transe belong to phase 6, the period of the army's occupation of the castle. The doorways into the Hall were blocked up and turned into windows, new doors were inserted, cobbled and flagged surfaces laid, services introduced and so on, reflecting the need to turn a royal residence into a functioning garrison. Features belonging to the 20th century reflect the patching of damage done during the previous phase and the use of the castle as a heritage resource.

Area between the Upper and Lower Squares

Historic Scotland wished to adjust the shape of the ramped access between the Upper and Lower Squares to take account of the threshold levels of the doors into the transe and Great Hall basement respectively which had previously been exposed by archaeological excavation. Kirkdale Archaeology were engaged to reduce the existing level to provide a base for a new road surface. The bedrock proved to be generally too high for the proposed base level and the whole area was cleared to bedrock rather than the levels initially required.

During the excavation, it was decided to reroute the existing services along the line of a storm drain running parallel to the E face of the palace. The previous cut was reopened and adapted, during which several archaeological features were noted.

A narrow trench (2-3m wide) was initially opened along the N face of the palace before being ultimately widened to meet the S face of the Upper Square retaining wall and below the bridge between palace and Great Hall. The earliest features encountered were interpreted as an oven and a hearth, and were dated to the 15th century. These were overlain with a crudely metalled surface dated to the 16th century, although it was unclear whether this deposit was earlier or later than the palace building.

Monitoring of the re-excavation of a storm drain trench

The most striking feature identified in a second trench was the massive wall base. This had been previously recorded and its line is preserved in the pattern of setts of the present courtyard surface as with the lines of early chapel walls in the Upper Square. This feature seems too solidly built to be merely a domestic structure and, if the N-S wall is the foundation platform for the palace, is most likely to be an integral part of the Fair Front or the earlier defences.

A midden deposit was of interest because it did not appear to be specifically domestic in origin but perhaps more likely to be associated with stable or byre waste.

The evidence clearly confirms surprisingly high archaeological potential within the Lower and Upper Squares where the natural profile of the bedrock can preserve relatively deep deposits of occupation material together with structural remains.

G Ewart, A Radley, P Sharman and J Triscott 1997

Sponsor: Historic Scotland

Kirkdale Archaeology

Excavation (13 October 1997 - 14 November 1997)

NS 790 940 An excavation was carried out in October to December 1997 to complete an investigation commenced by trial trenching in the spring of 1997. The area under investigation comprised the Army Kitchens, also known as the Governor's Kitchens, situated in a building on the W edge of the Castle Rock, overlooking the King's Knot (Ewart, Radley, Sharman and Triscott 1997)

The purpose of the excavation was to remove all deposits below the modern floor level in the kitchens down to bedrock or undisturbed archaeological horizons worthy of retention.

Early plans and maps show clearly the existence of the building at various times from the later 17th century onwards, and it is thought that a building has stood on the site since before the 15th century, and possibly from as early as the 12th century, the chapel of Alexander I, built c 1115.

The excavations revealed three phases of activity connected with a chapel site, alongside a well-preserved paved courtyard area. Ten inhumations were excavated, comprising nine adults and one child, as well as a charnel pit. The chapel evidence was overlain by a level containing evidence for the building of an oven and furnace, and by the 18th-century building levels.

Dating evidence was not forthcoming on a large scale, and the historical context of the buildings provides the main interpretive framework for the archaeological evidence presented below. Of particular significance in this regard are the dates spanning 1530-40, during which time the new Palace of James V was being erected, requiring the partial demolition of the earlier building; and the dates around 1710, at which time the Palace was converted to serve a Castle Governor, again affecting the adjoining building to a large extent.

The E room produced the earliest masonry in its SE corner, and this was interpreted as either an early chapel element or a part of the structure to the S of the Army Kitchens. The clearest early structure was a massive sandstone wall running below the present S wall for a distance of 7m. This is interpreted as the surviving remnant of the early chapel, pre-dating the 1530 building programme, but whose absolute date is uncertain. Associated with this early structure were some of the aforementioned burials, aiding the interpretation of the former as part of the chapel site.

At a later date the chapel was resited to the E by a distance of around 5m. A new threshold was laid, and the area to the W was carefully paved over, the paving extending for some 7m as far as a working area to the SW, where it could be seen to cut the earlier surface. Drainage channels in the surface of the paving intimate that it was an exposed area. This second chapel was also disturbed by the creation of the new Palace in 1530, and yielded a single inhumation. The creation of the Palace destroyed around two-thirds of the chapel structure.

The remaining available space comprised the formerly external paved area, defined to the N, S and W by a perimeter wall, and this space became the new chapel after the erection of the Palace. A single inhumation was excavated in the area toward the N wall. This is thought to be the final chapel on the site, falling out of use some time in the 17th century.

The chapel space was then converted to an oven or furnace area. The paved floor of the final chapel was removed, with further mortar debris and chapel debris being added, sealing the bodies beneath the new floor. A fire of some form was then centrally placed on this surface, surviving as a large, circular burnt area in the centre of the floor, measuring some 4m in diameter, with four massive stone plinths set some 3m from the centre of the fire site. These either represent support for a furnace, or support for a modified roof to allow the use of the fire within the room, or both.

As late as 1680, the date of Slezer's illustration of the castle, it would appear that the chapel site survived as a single structure, but by Dury's plan of 1709 a new building occupied the E part of the chapel site. This survives today as the tall square building adjacent to the Palace. The modifications enacted on the third chapel structure at this time involved the realignment of the S wall and the addition of a new W wall, effectively dividing the former space into two equal-sized areas. These two rooms later became the Mess Kitchens and associated quarters, woth chapel structures sealed beneath 150mm of concrete flooring.

Sponsor: Historic Scotland

G Ewart and D Stewart 1998

Kirkdale Archaeology

Desk Based Assessment (1 January 2008)

A general discussion of the evidence produced as a result of the work at Stirling Castle begun in the mid-2000s, which culminated in the publication of 'With Thy Towers High: The Archaeology of Stirling Castle and Palace' (Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 2015). A general discussion of the evidence produced as a result of the work at Stirling Castle begun in the mid-2000s, which culminated in the publication of 'With Thy Towers High: The Archaeology of Stirling Castle and Palace' (Historic Scotland, Edinburgh, 2015).

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-504429 (G Ewart) 2008

Project (3 March 2008 - 9 December 2009)

SCPP: Stirling Castle Palace Project

A variety of archaeological work was carried out between 2008 and 2009 by Kirkdale Archaeology under the framework of the Stirling Castle Palace project. This included work on the Palace, Kings Old Buildings, Govenor's Kitchen, Princes Tower, and Douglas Gardens and involved excavations, watching briefs, and standing building recordings.

Watching Brief (23 October 2008 - 30 September 2009)

NS 789 940 Various watching briefs have been carried out between 23 October 2008–30 September 2009 during restoration works. These consisted of:

• Excavation in advance of new service pipes in the Douglas Gardens. This revealed evidence of landscaping works during the construction of the Chapel Royal in 1594.

• Recording and monitoring in advance of alterations to the Palace:

• Re-opening of a 17th-century door in the N corridor.

• Installation of service ducts in the attic space.

• Removal of a ceiling beam in the mezzanine level of the Prince’s Tower.

• Access to a possible garderobe shaft in the W wall of the West Range.

• Monitoring of new joist pocket installation throughout the principal floor of the Palace.

• Detailed records of elevations associated with the Governor’s kitchen (internal and external).

• Monitoring of service duct installation in the King’s Old Building and leading towards the Old Chapel.

• Standing building recording of the SE corner of the Upper Floor. This completed the drawn record of the Upper

Floor in line with the survey to date.

Also, during work on the Upper Floor of the East Range of the Palace several crudely carved 19th-century toy soldiers and horses were retrieved by contractors.

Kirkdale Archaeology

Funder: Historic Scotland

Gordon Ewart 2009

Desk Based Assessment (23 October 2017)

Examination of historical written records including early plans and elevations.

The King's Old Building, as a historic structure, was ignored for most of the twentieth century, but the present assessment shows that it has a complexity and antiquity that would reward further analysis.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503094 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (24 August 2018)

Record made of archaeological features revealed during the boxing-in of a fireplace on the ground-floor of the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503042 (P Fox) 2018

Watching Brief (23 February 2018 - 27 February 2018)

NS 78961 94073 A watching brief was carried out, 23–27

February 2018, during a programme of core sampling at

three locations across the ground floor of the building.

The cores were each 50mm in diameter and were taken

to investigate the nature of the wall footings in the three

locations. Each of the three trenches measured 600 x

400mm in plan, and all were dug to bedrock. This was

typically encountered at a depth of 300–450mm below the

present floor level.

The results of this work suggest that the elements of the

present King’s Old Building plan are in part derived from a

series of bedrock terraces which run N/S and E/W from a

high point somewhere at the northern end of the King’s Old


Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Historic Environment Scotland

Gordon Ewart – Kirkdale Archaeology

(Source: DES Volume 19)

Watching Brief (23 February 2018 - 27 February 2018)

The results of this short programme suggest that the elements of the present King's Old Building plan are in part derived from a series of bedrock terraces which run N/S and W/E from a high point somewhere at the northern end of the King's Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503096 (P Fox) 2019

Standing Building Recording (6 March 2018 - 9 March 2018)

NS 78961 94073 An assessment of four of the nine roofs over

the King’s Old Building at Stirling Castle was undertaken 6–9

March 2018. These consisted of (1) the roof over the southern

part of the West Range, (2) the roof over the southern stair

tower, (3) the roof over the West Range N of the southern

stair tower, and (4) the roof over the eastern part of the North


The roofs display structural details that clearly identify

them as products of standard Scottish building practice of the

Middle Ages (roofs 1 and 3), the post-medieval period (roofs

2 and 3) and the 19th century (roof 4). Thus, they reflect the

complex architectural history of the King’s Old Building.

Given the degree of change and alteration that has

happened at Stirling Castle during the past 500 years, it is

questionable whether any of the roof structures survive in

an unaltered state. Intriguingly, however, is the fact that

a large number of structural members show details that

suggest considerable antiquity, while, at the same time,

displaying details that appear to be more modern. This

applies in particular to roof 3, which saw all of its rafters

lengthened. Given the typology of material and joints, it is

likely that this structure incorporates fabric dating from the

1496 construction campaign.

Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Historic Environment Scotland

Thorsten Hänke – Kirkdale Archaeology

(Source: DES Volume 19)

Standing Building Recording (1 March 2018)

The assessed roof structures over the King’s Old Building at Stirling Castle display structural details that clearly identify them as products of standard Scottish building practice of the Middle Ages, the post-medieval period, and the 19th century.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503091 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 April 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during the removal of a small section of floorboards in the Douglas Room.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503084 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 April 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed during the removal of a small section of 1970s wall linings in the north-west corner of a room in the King's Old Building in order to check the condition of the end of a steel I-beam.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503085 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 February 2019 - 1 November 2019)

Addition to an earlier report (HES-90291-KOB-05) on archaeological features uncovered during the removal of wall finishes to reveal the splayed sides of a first-floor door/window aperture in the north portion of the main N/S block of the King’s Old Building. Secondary removal of wall finishes on the second-floor revealed the top of the aperture and a record was made of its north and south sides.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503089 (P Fox) 2019

Dendrochronology (24 July 2019 - 13 August 2019)

NS 78961 94073 A programme of dendrochronological work was requested by Historic Environment Scotland (HES), undertaken by Dendrochronicle, and facilitated by CFA Archaeology Ltd through the Minor Archaeological Services Call-Off Contract in July and August 2019, during the ongoing renovations to the King’s Old Buildings (KOB) at Stirling Castle. Special temporary access was made through the ceiling of the room below by HES. The dendro-sampling was undertaken in collaboration with Kirkdale Archaeology who have recorded structural details of the sampled timbers and of this room more generally.

Seven joists in the floor of the former kitchen at first floor level in the King’s Old Buildings were core-sampled (Samples KOB01–KOB07) along with the wall plate (KOB08) on which these joists rested. Sampling and characterisation of this floor structure has revealed a mixture of oak and pine, with at least five different timbers sources likely to be represented and at least two different felling phases. Five of the timbers proved to have too few rings for dating, but results were obtained for oak joist KOB05 and pine wall plate KOB08.

The oak joist sequence KOB05 has produced consistent though modestly significant t values against a wide range of Scandinavian and Scottish Import chronologies for the span AD 1396–1500. Southern Scandinavia is indicated as the source, either Denmark or Southern Sweden, and not Norway. This ties in well with the main import source for oak beams elsewhere in Stirling Castle, the Palace especially, and with Scottish late medieval import patterns more widely. KOB05 had retained the sub-bark surface and was felled in the winter of AD 1500/01, which adds it into the small group of Episode 1 oak timbers identified by Anne Crone in the Palace. These timbers, presumably felled for something built in the reign of James IV, had been recycled into the James V palace of c1539. It seems likely that oak joist KOB05 is also recycled from that James IV structure, although no physical evidence of recycling was identified on this or any of the other sampled timbers. It is tempting to speculate that this floor could date to around 1539, when the other Episode 1 timber was recycled into the Palace, but there are other possibilities. Perhaps KOB05 has been recycled more than once, or perhaps the floor structure has more than one phase to it, given the oak joists are concentrated towards the northern end of the room. It is even possible that KOB05 has not been recycled and is a remnant of a c1500 in situ construction, subsequently modified or added to with the pine joists and later wall plate.

The pine wall plate sequence KOB08 has produced consistent

dates at the span AD 1682–1750 against a range of Lithuanian and British import chronologies, the latter believed to represent Eastern Baltic sources. The sub-bark surface is intact so this timber was felled in the winter of 1750/51 and subsequently exported; its use is likely to date to within a few years after 1750 to allow for transportation time. This felling date does not tie in to any of the felling episodes identified elsewhere at Stirling Castle and appears therefore to represent a particular modification to King’s Old Buildings rather than a wider scheme of intervention at that time. The ends of the joists appear to rest upon the top of KOB08, rather than be jointed into it, suggesting the possibility that the wall plate was inserted later under an extant floor structure.

Archive: NRHE (intended)

Funder: Historic Environment Scotland

Coralie Mills – Dendrochronicle for CFA Archaeology Ltd

(Source: DES Vol 22)

OASIS Id: cfaarcha1-435460

Standing Building Recording (1 July 2019 - 1 August 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features within the attic of the kitchen on the first-floor of the South Annexe (east) of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503070 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 July 2019 - 1 August 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed during the exposure of the joists and associated timbers forming the floor of the kitchen on the first-floor of the south annexe (east) of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503069 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 July 2019 - 1 October 2019)

Record made of archaeological features uncovered during the conversion of a ground-floor window into a door in the eastern façade of the south block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503038 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during the removal of wall finishes in a first-floor doorway in the northern part of the main N/S block of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503044 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (19 June 2019 - 20 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during excavations associated with the removal of a section of floor slabs to insert service pipes in the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503063 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (8 June 2019 - 17 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during the removal of two concrete ground slabs that had acted as foundations for load-bearing brick dividing walls.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503050 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during the removal of wall finishes around a ground-floor door and window in the northern portion of the main N/S block of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503049 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 June 2019 - 20 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during excavations associated with the removal of a section of floor slabs to insert service pipes in the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503063 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 June 2019 - 17 June 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during excavations associated with the removal of toilet pop-ups, a section of concrete floor and the removal of blocking to re-open a door in the south block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503061 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (18 March 2019 - 23 March 2019)

Record made of archaeological features uncovered during excavations associated with the unblocking of a ground-floor doorway between the north and south blocks of the King’s Old Building at Stirling Castle.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503041 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (8 March 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed during the removal of a section of concrete floor to expose radiator pipes in the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503048 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 March 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed during the removal of a section of concrete floor to expose radiator pipes in the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503048 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 March 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed during the exposure of a stone service hatch connecting the ground- and first-floor of the north block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503046 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 March 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features revealed by the insertion of a stair between the ground- and first-floor at the south end of the south block of the main N/S range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503045 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 May 2019 - 1 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during work associated with the removal of masonry in the position of a protruding feature shown on Robert Billings’ plan of 1856.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503043 (P Fox) 2019

Standing Building Recording (11 November 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features within the attic and store of the South Annexe of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503087 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 October 2019 - 1 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features within the former Officer’s Mess on the first-floor of the South Annexe of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503071 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (31 October 2019 - 6 November 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features uncovered during the removal of a portion of slabbed floor between the north turnpike stair and the rectangular extension in the north portion of the main N/S block of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503086 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (7 October 2019 - 7 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features on the damaged Chimney S7 on the north-east range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503074 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (7 October 2019 - 7 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features on the external surround of a second-floor window in the east façade of the south block of the main N/S Range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503073 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (28 October 2019 - 28 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of features on chimney S8 in the north-east range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503075 (P Fox) 2019

Watching Brief (1 October 2019 - 1 October 2019)

A formal archaeological record was made of two blocked apertures in the south façade of the east range of the King’s Old Building.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503072 (P Fox) 2019

Desk Based Assessment (1 April 2020)

Examination of historical records including early plans and elevations, supplemented by more recent photographs of the building, including some taken by a UAV.

The evidence confirms the character and phasing of the transition of a medieval royal castle to royal palace in increments associated with the later Stewart kings, particularly James IV, James V and James VI. It then tracks the changes posed initially by the governorship period and ultimately the full garrison period. All of these episodes followed a series of specific design protocols, achieved within the resources available, prevailing building techniques, and the constraints of the site.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503095 (P Fox) 2019

Desk Based Assessment (1 March 2021)

Documentary research (historical written records, plus early plans, and elevations).

The evidence confirms the character and phasing of the transition of an early-medieval royal castle with a royal lodging, originating in the 12th century (ultimately) to a royal palace associated with the later Stewart kings, particularly James IV, James V and James VI. It then tracks the changes posed initially by the governorship period and ultimately the full garrison period. All of these episodes followed a series of specific design protocols, achieved within the resources available, prevailing building techniques, and the constraints of the site.

Information from OASIS ID: kirkdale1-503090 (P Fox) 2019


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