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Kirkcaldy, Dunnikier Road, Victoria Hospital


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Aerial view.
Photographic copy of foundation plan of phase 1 block.
Insc: 'B', 'Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy'.
Photographic copy of site plan.
Insc: 'South Eastern Regional Hospital Board, Scotland', 'Regional Architects Division 18 Rothesay Terrace Edinburgh', 'Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy', 'General Site Plan', 'June '70', 'Drawing number 'RA/9/2/DV.1'.
Photograph of building under construction,Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy, 
Nurses Home, 12.00 noon , Tues.14th August 1956, 
PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.152: Hospitals Album (W.S.Atkins).
Photographic copy of theatre floor plan.
Insc: 'Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy', 'Theatre Floor Plan'.
Photograph showing general view, 
Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, 
PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM No.152: Hospitals Album (W.S.Atkins).
Oblique aerial view of the construction works at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy, taken fromt he WSW.