Kippie Knowe
Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned), Farmstead (Period Unassigned), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)
Site Name Kippie Knowe
Classification Enclosure(S) (Period Unassigned), Farmstead (Period Unassigned), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)
Alternative Name(s) Little Humblemoor; The Hows
Canmore ID 83740
Site Number NT71NE 93
NGR NT 77869 16150
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Scottish Borders, The
- Parish Hownam
- Former Region Borders
- Former District Roxburgh
- Former County Roxburghshire
NT71NE 93 7787 1615
(Originally classified as enclosures and possible farmstead). Visible on Ordnance Survey air photograph 68/024/082.
(Undated) information in NMRS.
Field Visit (7 March 2000)
NT71NE93 77869 16150
A farmstead comprising two buildings, two enclosures and a scooped yard is situated immediately E of Kippie Knowe, within an area of broad curvilinear rig covering about 8 ha in extent. The first building (NT 77888 16105), which is let into the S angle of a trapezoidal enclosure, measures 20.5m from ENE to WSW by 4m transversely, within a wall reduced to a stony bank about 1.5m in thickness and no more than 0.2m in height. It has two compartments, of which that on the ENE is possibly a byre, its floor sunk below the level of the other. The attached enclosure measures about 26m from WNW to ESE by 20m transversely and overlies a scooped yard that lies immediately to the NE of the building; a drain along the SSE side and ENE end of the building also cuts through the bank of the yard. About 10m to the NW of the building, a further length of bank extends W for about 45m.
The second building (NT77871 16157) lies about 35m to the NNW of the first and has an enclosure extending to the N and E, measuring about 15m from W to E by 10m transversely. The building measures 20.8m from N to S by 4m transversely within a wall reduced to a stony bank 1.5m in thickness and 0.2m in height. The interior is dug into the slope on the W and the floor has been terraced out to the E, where little trace of the wall is now visible. This building also has two compartments; the one to the N is more sunken, again indicating that it is a possible byre.
The broad curvilinear rig is defined and subdivided by shallow grooves aligned across the contour.
(Kale99 178-9)
Visible on vertical aerial photograph OS 68/024/081-2
Visited by RCAHMS (DCC, MFTR) 7 March 2000, with additional information from RCAHMS (BM) 13 July.
Sbc Note
Visibility: Unknown. The state of preservation of this structure or monument is unknown.
Information from Scottish Borders Council.