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Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the pit-alignments with the church, burial-ground, manse and cropmarks of the possible enclosure adjacent, taken from the SE.
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the pit-alignments with the church, burial-ground, manse and cropmarks of the possible enclosure adjacent, taken from the NE.
Oblique aerial view.
General oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the pit-alignments and possible enclosure and the church, burial-ground and manse, taken from the NE.
Edrom, oblique aerial view taken from the NE, centred on the cropmarks of pit-alignments.
Edrom, oblique aerial view taken from the SW, centred on the cropmarks of pit-alignments.
Edrom, oblique aerial view taken from the SE, centred on the cropmarks of pit-alignments.
Oblique aerial view centred on the cropmarks of the pit-alignments with the church, burial-ground, manse and cropmarks of the possible enclosure adjacent, taken from the S.
Oblique aerial view.
Oblique aerial view.