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Coire An Lagain
Field System (Period Unassigned), Head Dyke (Post Medieval), Township (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Coire An Lagain
Classification Field System (Period Unassigned), Head Dyke (Post Medieval), Township (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Lagan
Canmore ID 81920
Site Number NM54NE 9
NGR NM 595 480
NGR Description Centred on NM 595 480
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Morvern
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Lochaber
- Former County Argyll
NM54NE 9 centred on 595 480
(NM 595 481) Outlines of 6 to 8 houses, occupied by 1755, 1 house occupied mid-19th century, probably abandoned by 1871.
P Gaskell 1968
One unroofed building is depicted on the 1st edition of the OS 6-inch map (Argyllshire, Island of Mull 1880, sheet liii), but it is not shown on the current edition of the OS 1:10000 map (1976).
Information from RCAHMS (SAH) 22 June 1998
Field Visit (15 December 2011 - 28 December 2011)
An archaeological desk-based assessment and walkover survey was carried out between 16 December and 17 December 2011 at the Killundine Estate, on the Morvern peninsula in advance of a woodland establishment scheme. The work was undertaken to assess the nature and extent of any archaeology likely to be affected within the areas outlined for planting and regeneration and in order to inform recommendations for the protection and management of any sites recovered. The survey identified thirty-eight new archaeological sites including shielings, townships, pens and turf and stone dykes. Mitigation measures are proposed to safeguard the sites during the establishment of the woodland scheme.
Information from OASIS ID: westcoas1-116533 (S Birch) 2011
Field Visit (15 December 2011 - 28 December 2011)
Field survey recovered a number of buildings, pens, fireld walls, head dyke and enclosures of the township.
NM 59574 47918 A very degraded boulder-built pen measures 11m NE-SW by 7m over walls spread to 0.8m wide and surviving to 0.8m high. There is no visible entrance. Aligned NE-SW
NM 59573 47964 A very degraded subrectangular stone-built shieling measures 7m NE-SW by 4m over walls 0.6m wide and surviving to 0.3m high. The SE arc is completely robbed away. Aligned NE-SW
NM 59507 48009 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 15m NE-SW by 5m over walls 0.7m wide. The structure was degraded away in the NE end. Aligned NE-SW
NM 59525 48018 A rectangular turf/stone enclosure appeared as a raised mound 40m NW-SE by 25m; at the SW side a house abuts the wall. It was very degraded and difficult to identify the walling on the ground, although it clearly predated a later drystone dyke. Aligned NW-SE
NM 59511 48025 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 13m NW-SE by 4.5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide surviving up to 0.6m high. There was an internal wall at the NW end and no visible entrance.
Aligned NW-SE
NM 59505 48030 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 13m NW-SE by 4.5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide surviving up to 0.6m high. The structure abuts an enclosure to NE. There was an internal wall at the NW end and no visible entrance. Aligned NW-SE
NM 59501 48045 The very degraded remains of a stone/turf structure, possibly a byre, measures 8m NW-SE by 4.5m. It predates the drystone dyke. Aligned NW-SE
NM 59494 48039 A subrectangular stone/turf house or byre measures 8m E-W by 4.5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. The structure has no visible entrance and the N wall is mostly robbed away. Aligned E-W
NM 59485 48045 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 16m NW-SE by 5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. The structure had a possible entrance in the NW wall. Aligned
NM 59461 48039 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 12m NE-SW by 5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. The structure had a possible entrance in the NE wall. Aligned NE-SW
NM 59467 48029 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 10.5m NW-SE by 6m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. There is an attached byre to the SE side measuring 4.5m across. Aligned SW-SE.
NM 159478 748025 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 10.5m NW-SE by 6m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. There is an attached byre to the SE side measuring 4.5m across. Aligned NW-SE.
NM 159450 748037 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 11m NW-SE by 5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. There is an attached byre to the SE side measuring 4.5m by 2m. Aligned NW-SE.
NM 59493 48008 A subrectangular stone/turf house measures 15m NE-SW by 5m over walls spread 0.7-1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. The structure is mostly infilled with stone, either clearance stones or rubble, and the entrance may have been in the NW wall. Aligned NE-SW.
NM 59450 48079 A moss- and grass-covered kiln-barn measures 10m NE-SW by 5m and survives 0.8-1m high. There was no walling visible but the kiln bowl measured approximately 3m in diameter. Aligned NE-SW
NM 59409 48069 A very degraded stone/turf house measuring 9.5m NE-SW by 5.5m over walls spread to 0.7-1m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. Aligned NE-SW.
NM 59408 48154 A subcircular stone/turf structure measures 11m N-S by 10m over walls spread to 1.5m wide and surviving up to 0.6m high. There is a possible entrance in N end. The structure may be an enclosure or hut circle. Aligned N-S
NM 59434 48129 A suboval stone/turf structure measures 20m N-S by 12m over walls spread to 1.0m wide and surviving up to 0.5m high. The structure sits on a slight knoll and may be an enclosure. Aligned
NM 59645 48302 A drystone dyke measuring 1.5m wide and surviving 0.6-0.8m high. Aligned NW-SE.
NM 60381 47710 A turf/stone wall spread to 1.5m survives 0.8-1m high and formed a field boundary wall. Aligned E-W
NM 60053 47639 A turf/stone wall spread 1.5-2m survives 0.6-0.8m high.
NM 60141 47755 A turf/stone wall spread to 1.5m survives 0.8-1m high and formed a field boundary wall. Aligned NE-SW.
NM 59518 48035 A drystone dyke measuring 0.8m wide and surviving 0.5-0.7m high. Aligned NW-SE.
NM 59704 47991 A turf/stone wall spread 2-2.5m survives 1-1.5m high.
NM 59789 47705 A turf/stone wall spread to 1.5m survives 0.6m high. Aligned N-S.
Information from OASIS ID: westcoas1-116533 (S Birch) 2011