Tulach Bad A' Choilich
Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval)
Site Name Tulach Bad A' Choilich
Classification Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle(S) (Prehistoric), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval)
Alternative Name(s) Berriedale Water
Canmore ID 8108
Site Number ND12SW 6
NGR ND 104 241
NGR Description Centred ND 104 241
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/8108
- Council Highland
- Parish Latheron
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Caithness
- Former County Caithness
ND12SW 6 centred 104 241
Centred ND 105 242: On the E slopes of the Berriedale Water are six hut circles or enclosures, of the usual type of earth and stone banks up to 0.5m high, and varying in diameter from 6.0 to 13.0m. The entrances are in the S, SW and SE segments, but in two cases entrances are not apparent, and these may have been sheepfolds. Two huts abut one another at ND 1047 2403. Close to, and on the N and S sides of the northernmost enclosure, are two small rectangular foundations measuring 5.5 by 2.8m and 9.0 by 3.5m with earth and stone banks up to 0.2m high. These appear to be shieling-type bothies.
There are many small field clearance heaps in the area.
Visited by OS (J L D), 15 June 1960.
(A - C: ND 105 240) Enclosures (NR)
(D- E: ND 1074 2403) Hut Circle (NR)
(F: ND 1045 2415) Hut Circle (NR)
(G: ND 1045 2428) Enclosure (NR)
OS 6" map, (1964)
This is a settlement of seven heather-covered hut circles (A - G) accompanied by a field system.
The hut circles vary in size from 4.5 to 11.0m in diameter within wall-spreads of 2.0 to 3.0m by 0.3 to 0.6m high. Entrances are in the S or SW, except in F and G, where the entrance appears to be in the E and W respectively. Huts D and E abut each other.
The field system in the main is delineated by stone clearance heaps, but occasional traces of lynchets and banks are in evidence.
Revised at 1:10560.
Visited by OS (J M) 23 November 1982.
An area of unenclosed prehistoric and later settlement, comprising seven prehistoric structures and two later rectangular buildings, was recorded during a pre-afforestation survey of Langwell-Rinsary Braes, Berriedale.
Following the previous OS labeling system, Structure A is an oval building measuring 14m by 12m.
B is a circular building measuring 12m in diameter with an entrance on the S.
C is oval and measures 13m by 11m, again with an entrance on the S.
D is an oval building measuring 13m by 11m partially overlain by a possible smaller structure (e)
F measures 8m in diameter with set stones visible in the inner wall face and an entrance on the SE.
G measures 9m in diameter with no visible entrance.
Twenty small cairns and a length of bank were recorded in the vicinity of the settlement. The cairns are generally small and low, measuring c.3m in diameter and up to 0.4m in height. One cairn, however, measures 7.5m in diameter and is interpreted as a possible kerb cairn on account of three larger stones visible on the edge.
In addition the larger of the two rectangular buildings, possibly shieling-huts, measures 9m by 4m and the other 5m by 3m.
S Carter and J Rideout (Headland Archaeology) 3 March 1999; NMRS MS 899/141, no.2.