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Dunnet, Marymas Green

Midden (Period Unassigned), Armlet (Shale)(Period Unassigned), Comb (Antler)(Period Unassigned), Pin (Bone)(Period Unassigned)

Site Name Dunnet, Marymas Green

Classification Midden (Period Unassigned), Armlet (Shale)(Period Unassigned), Comb (Antler)(Period Unassigned), Pin (Bone)(Period Unassigned)

Canmore ID 77958

Site Number ND27SW 35

NGR ND 219 706

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
Canmore Disclaimer. © Bluesky International Limited 2025. Public Sector Viewing Terms

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Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Dunnet
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Caithness
  • Former County Caithness

Archaeology Notes

ND27SW 35 219 706

Midden containing sea shells, fragments of animal and fish bones recently exposed due to erosion of dune area along roadside by grazing sheep. Also evidence of stone walling.

L J Myatt 1992.

ND 219 706. Limited investigation of a midden deposit was carried out over seven days in September 1995, as part of Highland Archaeology Week. The feature, which consisted of a deposit of marine shell and animal bone and elements of masonry, had been previously identified eroding from the side of a sand dune (Myatt 1992). Excavation revealed that the deposit had accumulated against a revetment wall, probably built in order to stabilise an active sand dune. A number of soil horizons were identified at a lower level and these may indicate agricultural practice in an area periodically buried by active dune movement. A further portion of wall, possibly from a building, was identified several metres to the N of the eroding section. A well-preserved antler comb was recovered from the midden-rich matrix of this wall and indicates late Norse activity.

The southernmost trench included further walling which appears to represent another building, with a complex accumulation of deposits on both sides. A fine bone pin with decorated head was recovered from the western side of the wall and may indicate the use of the site at an earlier date than that evidenced by the comb. A fragment of shale armlet was also recovered in close proximity to this wall and the pin.

Sponsors: Highland Regional Council, Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise, Caithness Field Club.

T Pollard 1995.


Watching Brief (3 July 2008)

ND 21891 70543 Work was undertaken on 3 July 2008 during ground-breaking works at an area towards the N end of Dunnet Bay, where a subsea cable was being brought onshore. The work was considered necessary due to the proximity of known prehistoric and early medieval sites.

The DBA identified three sites in close proximity to the proposed route (ND27SW 35 and Highland SMR MHG32255 and MHG31755). There are also local reports of finds ending up on the beach and there are traces of midden material eroding from the dune edge 15m S of the cable route. All of these sites were avoided by the cable route.

The machine excavation of a 300m long cable trench cutting through the dunes and down to the low water line

was observed. Submerged peat and a possible soil horizon indicative of a past environment when this area was land rather than sea were observed some 1.2m below the beach deposits. No other features of archaeological interest were noted.

Archive: RCAHMS (intended). Report: HCAU, HSMR, RCAHMS and BT Group plc

Funder: BT Group plc

Paul Sharman (ORCA), 2008


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