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Hospital (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Ousdale
Classification Hospital (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Obsdale
Canmore ID 7548
Site Number ND02SE 31
NGR ND 070 200
NGR Description ND c. 070 200
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Latheron
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Caithness
- Former County Caithness
ND02SE 31 c. 070 200.
A lesser hospital or hospice is shown at Ousdale (ND 070 200), an alternative spelling being given as 'Obsdale'.
Cowan (Cowan and Easson 1978) equates references to 'Obsdale' in 1384, 1490 and post-Reformation with a 'Hospitale' between Helmsdale and Wick mentioned in 1290 (see ND13SE 54).
Further equation of 'Obsdale' with 'Ousdale', on unknown grounds, is presumably the reason for its publication on the map (supra). His sub-references, however, make it clear that the place referred to is in Rosskeen parish, in the Earldom and Doicese of Ross, and is in fact, the Obsdale at NH 665 699 (see NH66NE).
(Undated) information in NMRS: transcribed from OS Marginal card.
Orig Paroch Scot 1855; I B Cowan and D E Easson 1976; Information from OS map of Monastic Britain by I B Cowan 1978, 34.