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Alloa House
Country House (19th Century)
Site Name Alloa House
Classification Country House (19th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Alloa Park
Canmore ID 74672
Site Number NS89SE 74
NGR NS 89160 92495
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Clackmannan
- Parish Alloa
- Former Region Central
- Former District Clackmannan
- Former County Clackmannanshire
NS89SE 74.00 89160 92495
NS89SE 74.01 88990 92539 Stables
NS89SE 74.02 89082 92483 Garden
NS89SE 74.03 88517 92367 Gate Piers
See also:
NS89SE 1 88893 92518 Alloa Tower
An excavation was carried out on the site of old Alloa House which was largely designed by the 6th Earl of Mar around 1700. The house was destroyed by fire in 1800; (replaced by that noted on NS89SE 73).
Most of the structure was robbed out, in some cases down to the bedrock on which it was founded. However, foundations and two areas of cellerage - one still retaining its complete stone vaulted roof - do remain. The rooms delineated by the remains correspond very accurately to plans of the building drawn by the 6th Earl, with the exception of a porch on the front (W) facade, which appears neither on the plans nor on later pictures of the house, which show it after remodelling to the more 'classical' style of the later 18th century.
A fine series of drains was also discovered. One set are rock cut for alarge portion of their length. They were originally capped with stone vaulting and a small portion of this remains.
Sponsors: SUAT, SDD (Urban Aid), Alloa Tower Building Preservation
A Bailey 1990.
In 1991, excavation work continued on the NE area of this site, which was not investigated in 1990. A small cottage stood on this area until 1985, when it was demolished and the remains bulldozed. It was believed that this was a 19th century structure, but research has revealed that the original portion was part of the 18th century house which survived the fire which destroyed the rest of the structure. Several small extensions were added to the north side during the 19th century. Excavation has revealed the foundations of the building. Inside the original structure, against the E wall, is a semi-circular stone structure with the remains of brick work on top. This appears to be an oven. It is not original to the building but no other dating evidence is available.
Sponsors: SUAT, Alloa Tower Building Preservation Trust.
A Bailey 1991.
NS89SE 74.00 89160 92495
NS89SE 74.01 88990 92539 Stables
NS89SE 74.02 89082 92483 Garden
NS89SE 74.03 88517 92367 Gate Piers
See also:
NS89SE 1 88893 92518 Alloa Tower
Old house burnt out August 1800 and was succeeded by a classical mansion 1834-1838 George Angus, Victorianised by John Melvin
Built for the Earl of Mar & Kellie, 1834-1838
Architect: William Boucher c.1718 gardener & surveyor
11th Earl of Mar - design for a house for himself
Alloa Park George Angus (attribution)
Alloa House was demolished between 1955-1959. Information from Demolitions catalogue held in RCAHMS library.
Scottish Record Office
Account of building and repair work. George Erskine [factor?] describes the levelling of the court and work on the west gable, windows of the ground floor, roof of the house and the woman house
1706 GD124/15/427/2
Unreadable bit about balcony or balconies.
Minor repairs to mason work. Account for work done by Tobias Bachop, Mason, for the Trustees of the Estate of Mar
1769 GD124/16/121
Account for commission to build the Mansion House and Office Houses at Alloa Park from George Angus, Architect. Total 646.1.4 [pounds]
1839 GD124/16/184
Work done at Alloa House (New House). Receipts by Tobias Bachop for mason work with notes of account.
1764-66 GD124/17/338
Mansion House at Alloa Park. Volume containing copies of accounts and expenditure on the new house by the E of Mar & Kellie, Covermason, wright, glazier and plumbers' work. Expensive marble pillars & chimney pieces. Quarrying in Alloa quarry.
There is payment to a Mr Angus, architect - and note of dispute re his account.
Report on progress of building the new wing of the House and a bridge. The forecourt and walks are levelled but the maintaining of a vista to the horsepool has provided a problem. Thomas Bachop responsible for the sledges of the gavel. Letter from William Hutton.
1706 GD124/15/440
Praises the beauty of the gardens but condemns the statues as indecent.
Letter from Sir David Dalrymple to the Earl of Mar.
1708 GD124/15/897/2
Stone for the steps of the stair and the new front that is to be built one storey high this year is to be taken from the quarry at Cragrie.
1711 GD124/15/1024/2
Alterations to the window of the bedchamber at Alloa. Letter to James Erskine from his brother The Earl of Mar. When the Earl has seen Thom. Harlaw he will send a drawing.
1703 (New House) GD124/15/227/1
Letter which accompanied sketch plans for East Lodge, Gateway with 4 pillars (2 of which are to come from Walk Lodge), Lodge for New Entry. From John Melvin to E. of Kellie [Walter Coningsty]
1867 GD124/15/1815/2
(New House)
Alterations to Alloa House. Letter from John Melvin outlines his plans
The work concerns The Entrance Hall, the Dining Room, the living room, Business room and W.Cs & leaves the front part of the house unaltered. Estimate 3,800. [pounds]
1866 (New House) GD124/15/1815/1
Earl of Mar attempting to borrow money on security of trustees to build his new Mansion House & to pay for park wall already built. 'Not on' say Trustees.
1834 (New House) GD124/15/1801
Improvement to Alloa House. Letter from H.J. Carne concerning the positioning of a fireplace and a door from the conservatory into the house. He has marked these on the plans which he returns to the E. of Kellie.
1867 (New House) GD124/15/1826
Sketched designs for "the Marquise's new garden", attached to a letter to the Earl of Mar.
[4 figures + a fountain]
[?1720] GD124/15/1363
Very angry letter sets out David Bryce's reasons for the sum of his account. He values finished house at 20,736 [pounds] and should claim 500 [pounds]. Actual account for 341.1.2 [pounds].
1866 (New House)
Letter to Thomas Brodie from the Earl of Kellie saying he disputes David Bryce's account and considers 150-200 [pounds] sufficient payment.
1866 (New House) GD124/15/1816/1-4
Account of building and repair work at Alloa House.
George Erskine describes the levelling of the court and work on the West Gable, Windows of the ground floor and the roof of the house.
1706 GD 124/15/427/2
Mason work at Alloa.
Letter to Lord Grange at Edinburgh from George Erskine at Alloa.
He complains of the Masons' accounts as most unreasonable.
1708/7 GD 124/15/762/3
Building the New Wing of Alloa House.
Letter to the Earl of Mar from William Hutton.
He reports on the progress of the New Wing. The forecourt and walks have been levelled and the site for a bridge approved. He informs the Earl that maintaining the vista to the horsepool has been difficult. Thomas Bachop named as responsible for part of the building.
1706 GD 124/15/440
Repairs to the roofs of the Great Hall and the Chapel at the Castle.
Letter from Col. John Erskine at Alloa to the Earl of Mar.
'I expect to get payment of your precept for the £300 for the reparation of the Castle sometime this month so be pleased to let me have your orders about it...... The roof of the Great Hall and the Chapel will be ruined this winter if they are not mended this summer. They are good roofs and a great pity that they should fall.'
1707 GD 124/15/567
Alterations to the window of the bedchamber at Alloa House.
Letter to James Erskine from his brother the Earl of Mar. He promises to send a drawing when he has seen Thomas Harlaw.
1703 GD 124/15/227/1
Water supply to House and Garden.
Letter from James Smith [c.1645-1731] to the Earl of Mar.
He considers the Earl's plan of forcing water to the top of the hill from the Mill, not advisable. He suggests the use of springs in two meadows which lie higher than the gardens of Alloa House. These could supply both house and gardens by making a cistern in some corner at the back of the cherry garden.
1707 GD 124/15/663/2
Statuary for Alloa.
Letter to James Erskine, Lord Grange, from the Earl of Mar at Whitehall. 'I have just sent some statues in a ship .... They are very heavy so great care must be taken in removing them from the ship to the bark that carries them to Alloa ...'
1708 GD 124/15/754/18
Repairs and additions to Alloa House.
Letter to Lord Grange from his brother the Earl of Mar 'Pray tell James Smith and Sandie McGill that Mr William Dalrymple has allowed me to have the use of the quarry at Cragrie for the steps of the stair and what other stones we have occasion for to the New Front that I design should be built one storey high this year'.
1711 GD 124/15/1024/7
Garden at Alloa House.
Letter to Lord Grange from Thomas Harlaw, the Earl of Mar's gardener at Alloa. It concerns his plan for a flower border constantly in bloom. He encloses the Plan.
1714 GD 124/15/1114/2
Landscaping the Garden of Alloa House. Letter from Lord Grange to Thomas Harley, the Earl of Mar's gardener. He has lent him several books on gardens and fills his letter with his own ideas on planting and layout. He hopes Thomas will thus be inspired to plan a flower garden. (Copy).
1711 GD 124/15/1039
Repairs and additions to Alloa House. Letter to Lord Grange from the Earl of Mar, his brother. I have wrote to Sandie McGill concerning the building at Alloa and sent him a plan of it which if you had time to look on those things would divert you. One thing you'll like it for, it makes the House very convenient and the cheapest way I ever had of it'.
1711 GD 124/15/897/2
Gardens and statuary at Alloa House.
Letter from Sir David Dalrymple to the Earl of Mar.
He praises the beauty of the gardens but condemns the statues as indecent.
1708 GD 124/15/897/2
Completion of Alloa House. Letter to Lord Grange from his nephew Lord Erskine in Paris.
' ... but when it can be done, were it not reasonable to make it habitable by finishing the Salle and Hall below it which was so far advanced nine years ago ....' In the meantime I wish the Plans of each storey with the elevations of the 4 fronts, which Tom Harlaw and [Alexander] McGill can easily do.'
1724 GD 124/15/1261/1
Wright work at Alloa House. Account from Lawrence Gilbert, Wright in Alloa, for 80.1.1 [pounds]
1765 GD 124/17/337
Completion of Alloa House. Letter to Lord Grange from his nephew Lord Erskine in Parish. 'I see that those who were before me repented of having ever done anything to that House and have left me advice never to do more than finishing the new Salle and Hall, with the Salle of the Great Stair and Old Hall and in time to build a dining room where the Kitchen Tower stood with bedchambers over it which will make it a habitable and lodgeable house'. He is anxious to hear about Tom Harlaw and the Gardens.
1726 GD 124/15
Mason and Wright work at Alloa House.
Account of money paid to Tobias Bachop, Mason, and Lawrence Gilbert, Wright, for work at Alloa
House. Receipts for sums received by Tobias Bachop.
1764-1766 GD 124/17/338/1-15
Fire at Alloa House.
Letter to John Francis Erskine of Cardross from Anne, Countess of Upper Ossory. She expresses concern at the news.
1800 GD 124/15/1700
Minor repairs to Mason work at Alloa House.
Account for work done by Tobias Bachop, Mason for the Trustees of the Estate of Mar.
1769 GD 124/16/121
Repair of Mason Work at Alloa Tower.
1867 GD 124/17/350/33 Page 31
Repairs and alterations on Alloa Tower.
Payment for 11 new windows and for improvement of the Stair and for the plasterwork.
1867 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 181
Alterations and repairs to Alloa Tower.
Letter to the Earl of Kellie from John Melvin, Architect.
He will send a probable estimate for the work.
1867 GD 124/15/1815/2
Arching over the stream at Alloa Tower.
Payment of £11.5.0 to John Melvin, Architect, for Plans, Specifications and Superintendence.
1867 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 31
Plan or picture of House, Gardens, Town and a mile round. 6' x 4'. Note by Peter Wallace says that the picture was painted at Antwerp and cost a great deal of money.
1749 GD 124/20/26
Proposed building of the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Estimates for mason, plumber, plaster and carpenter work.
[George Angus, Architect. [c. 1792-1845].
1836-1837 GD 124/17/423/6-9
Building of the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Payment to George Angus, Architect [c. 1792-1845] of £50.
1838-1841 GD 124/17/438
Recording of money spent on building the Mansion House of Alloa Park. 1836-1838
Note of payments to the Sheriff Clerk for recording accounts and vouchers of money expended.
1838-1841 GD 124/17/350/25/Page 85,131 and 192.
The Earl of Mar wishes to borrow money to build his mansion house [Alloa Park].
Letter (copy) to Alexander Robertson W.S. from Robert Jameson.
The trustees wish their position made clear to the Earl.
1834 GD 124/15/1801
Expense of building the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Statement of Mason work executed by Mr William Dunn on the offices of Alloa Park
and the Pillars of the East and North Gate.
It amounts ot £922.9.3.
1836-1837 GD 124/17/423/10
Building of The Park Wall, Planting of the Garden, Building of the Mansion House and offices of Alloa Park, and erecting the pillars of the East and North Gate.
Letters, estimates and statements.
Mason: William Dunn. Wright: Thomas Traquair.
Plasterers: John Ramage and Son. Plumber: David Reddie.
Architect: George Angus. [c. 1792-1845].
1829-1837 GD 124/17/423/1-15
[Some details follow.]
Expense of building the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Calculations of the expense of building the offices. They show the omissions in William Dunn's earlier calculations.
They amount to £2398.17.3.
1837 GD 124/17/423/11
Building of the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Note of payment for slating the 2 octagon Houses inside the Court.
1838 GD 124/17/438
Commission for the building of the Mansion House, office houses, 3 Porter Lodges and a Gamekeepers's Lodge.
Account from George Angus, Architect [c. 1792-1845] amounting to £646.1.4. It included payment for drawings, estimates and supervision.
1839 GD 124/16/184
Building of the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Note of payments to tradesmen. They cover quarrying, mason, wright, slater, glazier and plumber work and are signed by Robert Jameson or James McVicar.
1837-1840 GD 124/17/438
Mason work of the new Garden at Alloa Park.
Note of payment to Robert Keir of £200. (Certificates by John Melvin, Architect.)
1866 GD 124/17/350/32/Page 130
Proposed East Lodge, New Entry Lodge and Gateway.
Letter to the Earl of Kellie from John Melvin, Architect [d. 1884].
He has prepared sketch plans for the Lodges and for a Gateway with 4 pillars.
1867 GD 124/15/1815/2
Plans for House, Tower, Garden and Grounds at Alloa Park.
Letter from David Bryce, Architect. [1803-1876]. He is angry that the Earl of
Kellie has rejected his plans and criticised his account.
Letter from the Earl of Kellie to Thomas Brodie about this account. He asks his advice. David Bryce had not kept to the limitation of £12,000 so the Earl had refused to proceed.
1866 GD 124/15/1816/1 and 4
Improvements to the Mansion House of Alloa Park.
Letter from H J Carne to the Rt Hon. Earl of Kellie.
He returned the Plan on which he has marked the position of a fireplace, and of the entrance from the Conservatory into the New Room.
1867 GD 124/15/1826
Accounts for Plans for House, Tower, Garden and Grounds at Alloa Park.
Two accounts from David Bryce, Architect. [ 1803-1876 ]
1. For visiting Alloa Park, measuring and estimating the cost of proposed additions and alterations £10.10.2).
2. For preparation of sketch designs, tracings and working plans (£341.1.2).
1866 GD 124/15/1816/2 and 3
Alterations to Alloa Park.
Letter to [Walter Coningsby] Earl of Kellie from John Melvin, Architect. [d. 1884]. It accompanied a Plan.
He has made the Entrance Hall where the Dining Room was marked on the sketch.
This he thinks will make a more elegant Hall. The new Dining Room will be lit from two sides and the present Dining Room will become a Livingroom. Thus the front part of the present house will be unaltered. Outside he has drawn a verandah with balcony above.
1866 GD 124/15/1815/1
Plans and Specifications for enlargement of Alloa Park and offices, for building lodges on the Estate and for superintending the work over nearly 3 years.
Payment to John Melvin, Architect, of £1020.
Total expenditure on the work amounts to £7079.1.9.
1868 GD 124/17/350/33 Page 207-208
Photographs and expenses of Family Arms and House Plans.
Payment to John Melvin of £22.10.6.
1867 GD124/17/350/33/Page 31
Glass houses built at Alloa Park.
Payment to David Lowe, Horticultural Architect for glazing and fitting up the Vineries, Pine Stove, and Melon Pits etc.
It amounts to £1463.13.8.
1867 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 32
Measurement of Stable Offices at Alloa Park.
Receipted by Thomas Paterson, Builder, it amounts to £1590.1.5 and £113.17.9.
Attested by John Melvin, Architect.
1869 GD 124/17450/4 and 5
Accounts for Lodges and Poultry House at Alloa Park.
Builder: Thomas Paterson.
Joiner: Robert Keir.
Plumber: John Murray.
1869 GD 124/17/450/6-12
Gate at Entrance Lodge to Alloa Park.
Payment fo £145 to John Wingate for an ornamental iron gate fitted up with the Coat of Arms.
1868 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 114
Masons' Jobbing Account for work at Alloa Park.
Receipted by Thomas Paterson, it amounts to £560.5.4.
1866-1869 GD 124/17/450/3
Payments for Carpenter, Plasterer, and Plumber Work at Alloa Park.
1866-1869 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 181
Mason work at Alloa Park.
Measurements of Mason Works of Alterations and Additions to the Mansion House, Alloa Park for the RT. Hon. Earl of Kellie.
Account amounts to £8,934.3.6 1/2.
1866-1869 GD 124/17/450/2
Mason work executed at Alloa Park.
Payment to Thomas Paterson, Mason, for work executed by him in Alloa Park.
It covers work at the Mansion House, the New Stables and Lodges.
1868-1869 GD 124/17/350/33/Page 207-208
Mason work at Alloa Park. 1867-1869.
Account of work by Thomas Paterson, Mason. It covers the Mansion House, New Stables, Common Stables, 6 Lodges, Hen wife's House, Henhousess and Duck Pond.
It amounts to £9045.16.7.
Attested by John Melvin, Architect.
1869 GD 124/17/450/1
Plan of a house.
Included in a volume of accounts of Alloa Park Estate.
[1906-1909] GD 124/17/461
Plans GD/24/v28,29,30 volume of drawing - design for house also design for villa at Comely Bank
RHP 13257 Garden plans, building plans by the Earl of Mar. 1700. Nos 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 66, 67, 70, 72 (Pigeon House 1704)
RHP 13258 Nos 3, 4 - 15, 16 - 21, 22-43, 1708-30
National Art Survey of Scotland - 2 sheets (84 & 85)
(See also T.T.S. copies).
Photographic Survey (1956)
Photographic survey of the interior and exterior of Alloa House, Clackmannanshire, by the Scottish National Buildings Record in 1956. The house has since been demolished.