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Martinlee Sike

Archaeological Landscape (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)

Site Name Martinlee Sike

Classification Archaeological Landscape (Medieval) - (Post Medieval)

Canmore ID 74615

Site Number NT60NE 20

NGR NT 655 076

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Scottish Borders, The
  • Parish Southdean
  • Former Region Borders
  • Former District Roxburgh
  • Former County Roxburghshire


Field Visit (28 February 1992)

NT60NE 20.00 655 076.

This archaeological landscape comprises two farmsteads, a building and enclosure, two buildings, several pens, cultivation terraces, stock enclosures, small cairns, rig, and an old road, all encompassed by two large enclosures, both defined by a ditch and an external bank. The landscape extends for some 1250m from WNW to ESE by up to 300m in width on the N bank of the Carter Burn on either side of Martinlee Sike.

The E enclosure is primary, containing both of the two farmsteads, whilst the W enclosure appears on plan to be an addition, extending across Martinlee Sike as far as the next tributary of the Carter Burn some 850m to the WNW. On the Carter Burn side neither enclosure is bounded by a man-made feature and it must be assumed that the burn itself was the boundary. The E enclosure is about 7 ha in extent, most of which, displays traces of rig, but only some two-thirds of the W enclosure's 21 ha is rigged. A later roadway (NT60NE 20.05) runs across the W enclosure from WNW to ESE and cuts one of the buildings and its enclosure at the extreme W end of the W enclosure (NT60NE 20.06). Of the two farmsteads that to the W (NT60NE 20.01) lies on the W edge of the E enclosure, peripheral to the cultivated land, whilst that to the E (NT60NE 20.02) lies in the midst of the rig and has a bank running NNE from it, creating a subdivision of the enclosure. This suggests that the E farmstead is secondary. The dating of the site is indefinite. Like the rest of Southdean parish, it falls within the Royal Forest of Jedburgh (Orig. Par. Scot. 1851), but it is undocumented. The enclosures are defined by a bank and an external ditch, designed to keep animals, and specifically deer in a Royal Forest, out of the cultivated ground, but not "to prevent a trespassing deer from escaping quickly from the farmland" (A Fleming and N Ralph 1982, 104-5). There is no settlement at this location on any of the early cartographic sources, which would favour a medieval date.

20.01 NT 6554 0762 Farmstead (ROX92 20-21)

20.02 NT 6589 0755 Farmstead (ROX92 22-24)

20.03 NT 6565 0765 Rig; Cultivation terraces; Small cairns; Stock enclosures; pens (ROX92 19, 25)

20.04 NT 6552 0790 Building (ROX92 73)

20.05 NT 6530 0792 Road

20.06 NT 6500 0815 Building and enclosure (ROX92 1)

Visited by RCAHMS (PJD) 28 February 1992.

Sbc Note

Visibility: This is an upstanding earthwork or monument.

Information from Scottish Borders Council


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