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Rose Ness, Beacon

Beacon (Period Unassigned), Long Cairn (Neolithic)

Site Name Rose Ness, Beacon

Classification Beacon (Period Unassigned), Long Cairn (Neolithic)

Alternative Name(s) Roseness; North Sea

Canmore ID 74470

Site Number ND59NW 3

NGR ND 52286 98813

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
Canmore Disclaimer. © Copyright and database right 2024.

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Administrative Areas

  • Council Orkney Islands
  • Parish Holm
  • Former Region Orkney Islands Area
  • Former District Orkney
  • Former County Orkney

Archaeology Notes

ND59NW 3 5228 9881

Beacon [NAT]

OS (GIS) MasterMap, May 2010.

Not to be confused with beacon at ND 5212 9865, for which see ND59NW 2.

This beacon was built in 1867, whereas ND59NW 2 dates from 1905.

Information from Mr M Howe, per RCAHMS (DRE), 2 March 2009.


Field Visit (June 2014)

A horned cairn situated on Roseness Point, W of the cliff edge, with the stone beacon built upon its head end. The head end consists of a rounded stoney platform approximately 0.5m high. Traces of probable horns are visible on the NE end . The tail end running to the SW is visible as a turf ridge with much stone and several orthostats protruding along its length orientated at right angles to the length. The visible orthostats give the impression of a possible box construction in the tail (a building technique observed at Vestrafiold horned cairn and others). The SW end of the tail is eroded but the possible traces of horns may be traced. The cairn's overall length is approximately 46m. It is possible that the the head end has been modified for the construction of the beacon. There is local information that bones were found in the course of building the beacon.

Information from Christopher Gee


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