Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/5681/3
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
View looking along Grange Road towards the National Library with Salisbury Church on the left, seen from the West South West.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/5681/4
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
View looking along Grange Road towards the National Library with Salisbury Church on the left, seen from the West.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/5681/18
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
General view along Causewayside seen from the South South East.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/6150/97
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
View of the boundary wall at the corner of Salisbury Place and Causewayside with a partial view of Salisbury Church in the background, seen from the South East.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/6150/117
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
General view of the church seen from the South West.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/6150/125
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
View of the front facade onto Causewayside seen from the East North East.
Item Level
Photographs and Off-line Digital Images
PSA G/6150/126
Records of the Property Services Agency, Department of the Environment, Edinburgh, Scotland
View of the Grange Road facade seen from the East.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50027
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plan, section, and elevation showing structural alterations required for organ.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50028
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Plans and sections showing structural alterations required for organ.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50029
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ground floor plan showing proposed alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50030
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ground floor plan and section showing proposed alterations, scheme 2.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50031
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Balcony plan showing proposed alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50032
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Sections showing proposed alterations.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50033
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Ground floor plan.
Item Level
Prints and Drawings
DC 50034
Records of Stewart Tod and Partners, architects, Edinburgh, Scotland
Unidentified section.
Item Level