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Monktonhall Colliery


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Aerial view.
General view from SW, showing offices on left and baths on right, with  No. 2 shaft winding tower on left and No. 1 shaft winding tower on right in background.
General view from S of no. 1 shaft winding tower, Monktonhall Colliery, built from re-inforced concrete, used to wind coal and men using two tower-mounted, geared, multi-rope A.C. friction winders with skip and counterweight, both manually controlled and equipped with dynamic braking.  No. 1 shaft is also the upcast air shaft.
General view from top of No. 1 shaft winding tower (from North West) of setting ponds for water pumped out of mine by underground pumps.  A steel-framed building clad with sheet alloy (right) houses water treatment plant, treated water eventually being pumped into a nearby river.
View from N of No. 2 winding tower of No. 1 winding tower, used to wind coal and men using two tower-mounted, geared, multirope A.C. friction winders with skip and counterweight, both manually controlled and equipped with dynamic braking.  The boilerhouse can also be seen (bottom right).
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
View on top floor of No.1 shaft tower showing winding engines with electric motor, gearbox and cable drum of the 1A winder in foreground (with 1B behind). The two winders are equipped with 14-tonne skips, and are together designed to lift 430 tonnes of coal per hour. The counterweights have rope guides.
General view from NE, from top of no.2 winding tower of coal-stocking ground, with S end of pitead baths (right) and weighbridge (centre left).
Detail of one of two Penman Cornish-type coal-fired boilers in boiler house, with Oldbury chain-grate automatic stoker retracted.
General view from top of No. 1 shaft winding tower from NE of coal-stocking ground (16.3 acres).
General view from SSE from top of No. 1 winding tower of (right to left), No. 2 winding tower, workshops and lamproom, offices and canteen.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
Aerial view.
General view of car hall at top of No. 2 shaft, showing cage with door open, and vertical sliding door in raised position.  The protective steel doors and walls around the top of the shaft are designed to seal the shaft, protecting the flow of downcast air from the adjacent fan house into the mine.  Monktonhall Colliery.
General view from S of No. 2 winding tower, built from re-inforced concrete, and used to wind men and materials using a tower-mounted, geared, A.C. multi-rope friction winder with cage and counterweight, manually controlled, with dynamic braking. No. 2 shaft is also the downcast airshaft.
Aerial view.
General view from (NE) top of No. 2 winding tower of (left to right) pithead baths and canteen, with overhead walkway to office, workshop and lamp room buildings.  Also visible is a large car park for employees, and (background, left) part of the coal-stocking ground.
General view of one of two identical fans, made by Mather and Platt of Manchester, driven by 3,300 volt, 160 amp motors (1030 BHP, 750/740 RPM), located on the upper floor of the fan house.  Each fan, operated seperately, provides 212.4 cubic metres of air per second at 2490 N/sqm.  In cold conditions the air can be heated.