On-line Digital Images
SC 435379
Papers of Professor John R Hume, economic and industrial historian, Glasgow, Scotland
Brora, Woollen Mill
General view from S
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 436653
Scan of D 18071. View showing pair of Asa Lees of Oldham mules in action.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 436654
Scan of D 18059. View showing pair of Asa Lees of Oldham mules in action.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 436655
Scan of D 18107. View from NW of Old Loom Flat.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 436656
Scan of D 18098. View from S of S side of central block of works.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 684509
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: View of Warping Machine (note that beam has been removed)
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 684510
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
View from WSW of S side of central block of works, including (left to right) former Canteen (building 11), Old Loom Flat (now a wool store, building 10), 'Warehouse' (building 4), Offices (buildings 2 and 3), and (far right) Gatehouse (building 1) [the building numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 684511
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Spinning Department (in building 19D): view of one of five Sehlafhorst cone winding machines (used to wind yarn from spinning mule spindles into cones for looms) [the building numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 684512
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: Detail of sample warping machine (made by Hergeth), with Warping Machine in background
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1078146
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Digital copy of photograph of Yarn Store (building 31): detail of shelves and yarn samples [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1120081
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Digital copy of view from SE of main gates, with central block of works in background, and Offices (buildings 2, 3 and 3A) to right.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1574042
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Copy of itemised site plan showing layout of factory prior to closure and transfer to new factory [All building numbers on this plan refer to numbers in barckets in photographs D18039-18112]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 1944795
Papers of James Sloan Bone, landscape historian, Inverness, Highland, Scotland
Aerial view of Brora and River Brora, East Sutherland, looking SE.
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2350469
Records of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Brora, Woollen Mill, NC90SW 9, Ordnance Survey index card, Recto
c. 1958
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569582
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Yarn Store (building 31): detail of shelves and yarn samples [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569583
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: View of Re-beaming Machine being operated by Colin Dent, who is using a portable knotting machine
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569584
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: View of one of six Vamatex Looms, each fitted with darning tables to allow weavers to attend to minor imperfections in the cloth
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569585
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: View of one of six Vamatex Looms, each fitted with darning tables to allow weavers to attend to minor imperfections in the cloth
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569586
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: Detail of Drawing Machine, used to prepare combs for looms
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569587
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
New Loom Flat: View of one of six Vamatex Looms, each fitted with darning tables to allow weavers to attend to minor imperfections in the cloth
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569588
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Wool Blending Department (in Wool Store, building 27A): detail of wool blending machine [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569589
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Wool Store (building 27): View showing old IBM time clock [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569590
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Finishing Department (upper floor of building 5): View showing (left to right) cropping machine, folding machine (in use), and checking table [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level
On-line Digital Images
SC 2569591
Records of the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), Edinbu
Finishing Department (upper floor of building 5): View showing (left to right) cropping machine, folding machine (in use), and checking table [the numbers in brackets refer to the itemised plan, D33088]
Item Level