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Cairnholy 6

Cup Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)

Site Name Cairnholy 6

Classification Cup Marked Rock (Neolithic) - (Bronze Age)

Alternative Name(s) Cairnholy 6; Cairn Holy; Kirkdale

Canmore ID 63737

Site Number NX55SW 39

NGR NX 51850 54960

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Digital Images

Snapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and Galloway
Snapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of panel to west, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayCairnholy 6, NX55SW 39, Ordnance Survey index card, RectoDigital photograph of panel close ups of motifs, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of close ups of motifs, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of rock art panel context, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of panel to north, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of panel to east, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayScanned image of rock art panel sketch, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowaySnapshot of 3D model, Scotland's Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayDigital photograph of panel to south, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayScanned image of rock art location sketch, from Scotland’s Rock Art Project, Cairnholy 6, Dumfries and GallowayCairnholy 6, NX55SW 39, Ordnance Survey index card, page number 1, Recto

Administrative Areas

  • Council Dumfries And Galloway
  • Parish Kirkmabreck
  • Former Region Dumfries And Galloway
  • Former District Wigtown
  • Former County Kirkcudbrightshire

Archaeology Notes

NX55SW 39 5185 5496.

NX517 550. Cup and ring marked rock, Cairnholy. On moor ten yards north of wall, two hundred yards east of sheepfank, on a small rock in a recent ditch, is carved a clear cup and a rather faint ring.

R W B Morris and D C Bailey 1967

NX5185 5496. This poor example of a cup and ring mark is on a rock outcrop which was exposed by a shallow drainage ditch.

Surveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS (TRG) 10 June 1977

Van Hoek did not locate this stone, but Naddair excavated more of its surface, and his illustration shows three cups with one ring each and five plain cups.

M A M van Hoek 1995, K Naddair 1995.


Field Visit (11 April 1994)

This cup and-ring-marked stone lies on the N side of a drainage ditch in rough pasture, about 10m N of a field dyke and some 150m ENE of a sheepfold. The surface of the stone, which is partly hidden by turf, measures 2m in length from ENE to WSW by 0.7m in breadth. On it there are three cups with one ring, up to 190mm in diameter and 25mm deep, and two possible cups which measure 90mm and 110mm in diameter. (Cree94 202)

Visited by RCAHMS (SDB) 11 April 1994

Note (13 April 2019)

Date Fieldwork Started: 13/04/2019

Compiled by: Whithorn

Location Notes: Located 10m to the N of a stone wall, on bedrock in the bottom of a recent drainage ditch, approx 200m E of sheep fank on the land to the north of Cairnholy. (Note - the OS map places the rock art at NX 5167954678, where there is a small boulder on the edge of the drainage ditch, but this boulder does not appear to have any rock art, and is not Cairnholy 6. Cairnholy 6 is 50m further down the drainage ditch on a section of bedrock).

Panel Notes: A section of bedrock, exposed in the base of a drainage ditch, with the visible area measuring 2.8m by 0.7m in size, and lies flat. There are two visible cup marks measuring 90mm and 100mm in width; one appears to be pecked, the other roughly pecked (labelled 'tool marked'). There is also a small cone shaped cup (45mm) of uncertain origin, which may be natural.

There are several deep rock-cut grooves made by a machine across the surface; these have presumably been made by the farmer when attempting to deepen the drainage ditch. This panel was previously recorded as including a cup and ring mark but this was not identified at time of survey.


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