Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle (Prehistoric)
Site Name Achargary
Classification Field System (Period Unassigned), Hut Circle (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 6314
Site Number NC75SW 25
NGR NC 7307 5463
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Farr
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC75SW 25 7307 5463.
At NC 7307 5463, on rising W-facing ground is an ill-preserved hut circle in association with a field system. The hut measures about 10.0 by 8.0m within a reduced wall obscured by peat. The entrance is in the south-east arc on the longer axis. The field system extends over 2.5 hectares, and is demonstrated in some low heathery banks, one or two poorly-defined lynchets and in stone clearance heaps., the last most numerous in the western half where they are spaced on average 10.0m apart. A cultivation plot 25.0 by 10.0m was noted. Several mounds outlying to the SE indicate further areas of cultivation.
Surveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (J M) 12 July 1977.