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Souterrain (Prehistoric)(Possible)
Site Name Achnabourin
Classification Souterrain (Prehistoric)(Possible)
Canmore ID 6227
Site Number NC75NW 25
NGR NC 710 582
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Farr
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC75NW 25 710 582.
'About 1/3 mile WSW of the farm-house at Achnabourin (NC 7104 5825) and some 80 yards W of the road, on the summit of a grassy knoll, two boulders probably mark the site of the entrance to the earth-house which formerly existed here. A depression running SE for about 44ft seems to indicate its extent.'
RCAHMS 1911, visited 1909.
The site of this souterrain was not located during field investigation.
Visited by OS (J L D) 5 May 1960.
The souterrain was not located, a turf and bracken-covered knoll at NC 710 579 about 1/3 mile S of Achnabourin and 55 yards W of the road is possibly the site; nothing artificial was seen on it.
Visited by OS (J B) 18 December 1978.
Field Visit (November 2020)
NC 71647 57444 to NC 71479 57995 A desk-based assessment and walkover survey was carried out in November 2020, in advance of replacement of water mains and associated works, near Skelpick, Bettyhill, in Sutherland. The work was undertaken to assess the nature and extent of any archaeological sites likely to be affected within the areas outlined for the proposed development works and pipeline route and in order to inform recommendations for the protection and management of any sites recovered. The desk-based assessment revealed a significant number of archaeological sites and monuments within the surrounding landscape (Canmore ID: 86834; 6275; 6227; 6241; 6246).
The walkover survey recorded no archaeological sites in close proximity of the pipeline route, while the route of the pipeline had been chosen to minimise any impact to potential buried archaeological features or deposits; this being located for most of the route in the verge of the single-track road comprising made-up ground. No further mitigation measures are proposed in respect of the proposed works.
Archive: Highland Council HER and NRHE (intended)
Funder: Scottish Water
Steven Birch – West Coast Archaeological Services
(Source: DES Vol 21)