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Innerwick Parish Church

Church (18th Century), War Memorial (20th Century)

Site Name Innerwick Parish Church

Classification Church (18th Century), War Memorial (20th Century)

Alternative Name(s) Spott Church; War Memorial; Innerwick Roll Of Honour

Canmore ID 58971

Site Number NT77SW 65

NGR NT 72069 73967

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council East Lothian
  • Parish Innerwick (East Lothian)
  • Former Region Lothian
  • Former District East Lothian
  • Former County East Lothian

Archaeology Notes

NT77SW 65 72069 73967

Innerwick Parish Church: A plain building, erected 1784.

C McWilliam 1978

Architecture Notes


NT77SW 65.00 72069 73967 Church

NT77SW 65.01 72060 73992 Churchyard

Architecture Notes

Innerwick Parish Church was recorded by the Threatened Building Survey on 29th July 2022. The survey was prompted by the proposed closure and sale of the church. In 1994 the Parish of Dunglass was created out of the three parishes of Cockburnspath, Innerwick and Oldhamstocks. Cockburnspath is now the only Church of Scotland church in Dunglass Parish with the closure of Innerwick and Oldhamstocks in 2022.

Although a church is recorded here in the 12th century the existing building is dated 1784 and there is no discernable evidence on site of any earlier building. The domed birdcage bellcote is the most distinctive feature of the Georgian church. The west gallery on its Doric columns is the only interior feature surviving from the 1784 interior. This was originally the Thurston Lairds Loft or gallery. Originally the church had galleries at either end with the original pulpit placed centrally on the north wall The church was refurnished and re-orientated in 1870 with the communion table and pulpit being moved to east end. The east gallery, the Biel Lairds Loft or gallery, was removed at this time. The vestry may also have been added to the east as part of the 1870 alterations.

The platform has been refurnished in the 20th century. The organ was installed in 1910. The font is dated 1939 and the lecturn is of 1953. The elaborate finialed five-part reredos screen is finely carved and has the inscription ‘The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.’ Its maker is not documented but it may be by one of the Edinburgh firms Whytock and Reid or Scott Morton. In 1965 two stained glass windows, depicting Christ with Martha and Mary and The Good Samaritan, by William Wilson were installed in memory of Rev T W G Sutherland who had ministered in the parish from 1906 to 1939.


Project (February 2014 - July 2014)

A data upgrade project to record war memorials.


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