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Drem Farm
Farmhouse (Early 19th Century) - (Mid 19th Century), Farmstead (Early 19th Century) - (Mid 19th Century)
Site Name Drem Farm
Classification Farmhouse (Early 19th Century) - (Mid 19th Century), Farmstead (Early 19th Century) - (Mid 19th Century)
Alternative Name(s) Drem Farm Steading, Farina Mill
Canmore ID 56358
Site Number NT57NW 78
NGR NT 50841 79482
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council East Lothian
- Parish Athelstaneford
- Former Region Lothian
- Former District East Lothian
- Former County East Lothian
NT57NW 78 50841 79482
NT57NW 79 Farm Lodge
Following proposals for alterations to the Steading, including partial demolition, a RCAHMS photographic survey was carried out during August 1998.
Visited by RCAHMS(MKO), August 1998.
NT 508 795 In advance of a proposed housing development an archaeological evaluation was undertaken. The proposed development area lies immediately adjacent to the 15th-century remains of St John's Chapel, Drem (NMRS NT57NW 3), and includes an early 19th-century farm steading. A total of 12 evaluation trenches, covering 269m2 and representing over 5% of the development area, were excavated by machine. These trenches identified a series of undated negative features, some of which are thought to represent robber trenches, as well as a series of early 19th-century remains sealing a buried ploughsoil under which was preserved an undated pit.
During the course of the evaluation John Renshaw Architects undertook a building assessment, the results of which have been deposited within the site archive.
Sponsor: A B Hamilton Ltd.
Murray Cook 2000
NT 5078 7950 The farm steading, located at the W end of the village of Drem, was the subject of a programme of historic building recording during February and March 2000.
The steading, which is situated on or near the site of previous 18th-century farmhouses and steadings, is comprised of various 19th-century single and two-storey vernacular buildings arranged around a courtyard. A number of late 20th-century barns have replaced parts of the mid- to late 19th-century steading ranges.
The building recording allowed the establishment of four main phases of development still visible within the buildings of the steading. The earliest of these phases has been tentatively dated to the early 18th century and is represented by a large two-storey stone-built farmhouse, at the SE corner of the steading. Subsequently, the building was converted into a steam-powered farina mill and later incorporated into the mid- to late 19th-century steading. Alterations carried out in the last century appear to have been more piecemeal, and were undertaken to accommodate the changes that occurred in farming, and the type of machinery these changes required.
Sponsor: A B Hamilton Ltd.
J Morrison 2000
NT 508 795 Following an earlier evaluation, an archaeological excavation was carried out in advance of a proposed housing development at Drem Farm, which lies immediately adjacent to the 15th-century remains of St John's Chapel (NT57NW 3). The excavation uncovered a series of modern pits, linear negative features and a wall foundation. A limited assemblage of White Gritty ware was recovered. (AOC 3197)
Archive to be deposited in the NMRS.
Sponsor: AB Hamilton Ltd.
M Cook 2002