Settlement (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Dalnessie
Classification Settlement (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 5529
Site Number NC61SW 2
NGR NC 620 147
NGR Description Centred NC 620 147
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/5529
- Council Highland
- Parish Lairg
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC61SW 2 centred 620 147.
Centred on NC 620 147 is an area of 18/19th century depopulation (a). The turf-covered stone footings of at least eight buildings remain ranging from 5.0m by 3.0m to 14.0m by 3.0m, accompanied by the ruins of several individual enclosures.
There are some traces of walls but overall no real signs of a comprhensive field system. A later sheepfold is on the site.
Surveyed at 1:10 000.
Visited by OS (J M) 9 September 1980.
R J Mercer 1980.
Field Visit (5 February 2011 - 30 September 2012)
Hut-Circle (possible) (NC 6244 1470) Field survey carried out in 2011 recorded an irregular heather topped stony banked enclosure with a diameter of 7m. There is no clear entrance. It lies 5m from the south-east side of the existing track and c.930 m SW of Dalnessie.
Feith Osdail, Settlement, hut circles and field system. The NMRS and HER record that, in 1976, at least twelve hut circles varying from 7m to 12m in diameter, a kerbed cairn about 3m in diameter and an open, stone-lined cist were identified in an extensive depopulated site which also contains both rectangular and hip-ended long-houses, field systems, clearance cairns and numerous other structures. (J E Kirby 1976). Later survey (Mercer 1980) recorded that above an area of 18/19th century depopulation (NC61SW 2), is a settlement of four hut circles (A-D), accompanied by a scatter of field clearance mounds. The huts were recorded as poorly preserved and heather-covered. Nothing of a prehistoric character other than the four hut circles was found during that survey. Mercer also recorded the turf-covered stone footings of at least eight buildings ranging from 5 m by 3 m to 14 m by 3 m, accompanied by the ruins of several individual enclosures. There are some traces of walls but overall no real signs of a comprehensive field system. A later sheepfold is also on the site. The site is a scheduled monument (4563).
Information from OASIS ID: cfaarcha1-141020 (G Mudie) 2012