The Ord
Enclosure (Period Unassigned)(Possible)
Site Name The Ord
Classification Enclosure (Period Unassigned)(Possible)
Canmore ID 5009
Site Number NC50NE 39
NGR NC 57828 05188
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Lairg
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NC50NE 39 5782 0518.
NC 5782 0518. The fragmentary remains of a large enclosure 16.5m in diameter with an entrance 1.0m wide in the SE side. Nearly the whole of the E side of the enclosure has been destroyed; in the centre are the outlines of a small rectangular building 5.8 x 2.4m. This may be the site described by the RCAHMS (1911) as a hut circle 26ft in internal diameter, since this is not otherwise identifiable in the area described.
RCAHMS 1911; Visited by OS (W D J) 4 July 1963.
All that remains of this alleged enclosure is an arc of a bank, possibly a tumbled wall, spread to 2.5m broad and 0.5m high which measures 18.0m across internally. There is no certain trace of the bank continuing to form a circle. Within the arc is a rectangular shieling-like structure 6.0m by 3.0m. The site is overgrown with bracken.
Resurveyed at 1:10,000.
Visited by OS (N K B) 26 July 1976.
From the present ground remains the site appears to consist of a small rectangular footing as described above, with an arc of banking to the S; probably constructed during stone clearance of the area. There is no clear indication that this bank formed an enclosure. An oval hut circle 20.0m to the SE is possibly the one noted by the RCAHM (see NC50NE 13). Surveyed at 1/2500.
Visited by OS (J B) 15 March 1979.
Scheduled with NC50NE 13-14, 16, 17, 19, 22, 38, 46, 54-6 and 81-2 as The Ord, chambered cairns, cairns, settlements and field systems.
Information from Historic Scotland, scheduling document dated 14 February 2002.
Ground Survey (22 February 2010 - 18 March 2010)
NC 575 050 A topographic survey of the scheduled area and a 100m buffer zone around the The Ord was carried out 22 February–18 March 2010. The area contains a high density of archaeological monuments, including Neolithic funerary monuments and remains of Bronze Age settlements and agriculture. Although the distribution of the major features was known, this survey added detail and increased the accuracy of information obtained in previous surveys. The survey also identified several previously unrecorded features. In total over 450 individual archaeological features were recorded including a burnt mound, c35 hut circles, 14 rectangular buildings and over 300 clearance cairns.
Archive: RCAHMS
Funder: The Forestry Commission Scotland