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Ruighe Shligeach

Hut Circle (Prehistoric)

Site Name Ruighe Shligeach

Classification Hut Circle (Prehistoric)

Alternative Name(s) Achlyness; Rhiconich

Canmore ID 4702

Site Number NC25SE 5

NGR NC 2517 5213

Datum OSGB36 - NGR

C14 Radiocarbon Dating


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Highland
  • Parish Eddrachillis
  • Former Region Highland
  • Former District Sutherland
  • Former County Sutherland

Archaeology Notes

NC25SE 5 2517 5213.

At NC 2517 5213, on the edge of rising moorland, is a hut circle, set into the slope and measuring 8.5m in diameter within a wall at most pronounced a heather-covered rubble spread of 1.5m to 2.0m and 0.3m high. A 5.0m wide break in the SE arc may indicate the entrance position. One or two mounds in the vicinity are probably associated stone clearance heaps.

Surveyed at 1:2500.

Visited by OS (JM) 5 June 1980.

In March 1993, this hut circle was excavated by GUARD prior to its destruction by roadworks.

The wall of the house consisted of a roughly circular (12m by 11m) low stone bank, reaching a maximum height of 0.7m. The entrance lay to the SE. Gneiss boulders formed a rough face on the inside of the wall. An extension of the wall, 1.90m long, formed a spur to the E of the entrance, possibly acting as a windbreak. A small cell (2.8m by 2.2m) was set into the outside of the wall on its SW side.

Post settings within the house suggest that the roof was supported by an inner ring of posts.

The cente of the house was dominated by the remains of a stone oven floor and flue, set on a stone flagged floor. A deposit of black, ashy, charcoal-rich soil surrounded the oven and was trampled into the floor.

Finds recovered included a range of potsherds, tools and flakes of flint, chert and quartz, an elongated polished stone, a possible limpet hammer and burnt bone.

The site remains undated until specialist analysis of the finds and radiocarbon assay have been completed.

Sponsors: Highland Regional Council, HS.

I Cullen 1993.


Field Walking (October 2008)

NC 24998 52316 – NC 25188 52157 Work was undertaken, October 2008, to assess the potential impacts of water main replacement from Achlyness to the A838. Seven sites were identified within 200m of the proposed route of the new pipeline. One site, excavated in 1993, could potentially date to the Bronze Age.

There is indication that this area was occupied and exploited from as early as the Bronze Age and the presence

of several sites in the study area suggests that there is a moderate potential for archaeological remains ranging from the early – post-medieval periods.

Archive: RCAHMS

Funder: Scottish Water Solutions

Claire Shaw (Jacobs UK), 2008


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