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Stonehill Wood
Armlet(S) (Gold)(Period Unassigned)
Site Name Stonehill Wood
Classification Armlet(S) (Gold)(Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 46464
Site Number NS83NE 3
NGR NS 89 37
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council South Lanarkshire
- Parish Carmichael
- Former Region Strathclyde
- Former District Clydesdale
- Former County Lanarkshire
NS83NE 3 89 37.
Three Late Bronze Age gold penannular armlets (J M Coles 1962), found in Stonehill Wood, are now (1886) in the possession of the Earl of Home, on whose estate of Douglas they were found. (See J Anderson 1886, illustration figs.228-9).
J Anderson 1886; Proc Soc Antiq 1864.
No further information.
Visited by OS(JD) 1 April 1955.
These armlets are now in the National Museum of Antiquities of Scotland (NMAS), on loan from the Douglas and Angus Estates.
Information in letter from Dr J Close-Brooks NMAS to OS 13 October 1978.
Site recorded during an archaeological evaluation conducted on 30 alternative route elements, with a combined length of c84km, for a proposed road linking the M8 near Whitburn, Lothian Region with the M6/M74 near Douglas, Clydesdale District.
NS83NE 3 Find-spot of gold penannular armlets.
An illustrated report will be deposited with the NMRS.
Sponsor: Roads Directorate of The Scottish Office Industry Department, managed on its behalf by Historic Scotland.
A J Dunwell and R J Strachan 1995.