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Wester Balmuildy Farm

Enclosure (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

Site Name Wester Balmuildy Farm

Classification Enclosure (Period Unassigned)(Possible)

Alternative Name(s) Summerston Landfill Site

Canmore ID 44488

Site Number NS57SE 23

NGR NS 5812 7138

Datum OSGB36 - NGR


Ordnance Survey licence number AC0000807262. All rights reserved.
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Administrative Areas

  • Council Glasgow, City Of
  • Parish Cadder (City Of Glasgow)
  • Former Region Strathclyde
  • Former District City Of Glasgow
  • Former County Lanarkshire


Desk Based Assessment (June 1997)

NS57SE 24 5799 7132.

NS 580 714 (centre) A desk-based assessment and field evaluation was undertaken of a proposed landfill development site in order to investigate a cropmark (NMRS NS 57 SE 24).

Aerial Photographic Transcription (3 June 1997 - 2 December 1997)

An aerial transcription was produced from oblique aerial photographs. Information from Historic Environment Scotland (BM) 31 March 2017.

Excavation (24 June 1997 - 6 July 1997)

NS57SE 24 5799 7132.

Excavation confirmed the presence of a ditch running 19m E-W as indicated on aerial photograh. This ditch, 0.9m wide on average, had a rather V-shaped profile and had been deliberately backfilled with a burnt fill. The ditch terminated with a post-setting at its W end and a post-pit and slot at its E end. Ditches aligned N-S in other trenches indicated that the enclosure continued to the N with ditches along its E and W sides. It is unknown if a further ditch was present on the N side of the enclosure.

A curvilinear ditch running NE-NW, with a burnt fill, cut an earlier ditch/construction slot aligned N-S which terminated in a post-pit at its S end. These features, along with the majority of features sampled at the site, were not revealed by aerial photography.

A rectangular enclosure measuring c 12 x 26m, identified by aerial photography, was located immediately to the E of the evaluation area. The topography of the site and distribution of archaeology within the evaluation trenches suggests this site represents an extensive and potentially complex series of remains extending over the crest and plateau top of the low hill overlooking Wester Balmuildy Farm.

Post-medieval rig and furrow agricultural/drainage features spaced 10m apart were present on the site and produced the only dating evidence of the excavations. The excavators suggest these remains may by prehistoric in date but it is unclear if the site is domestic or ritual in nature.

Sponsor: Glasgow City Council Property Services Department.

F Baker 1997


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