Blackshaw Hill
Quarry(S) (20th Century)
Site Name Blackshaw Hill
Classification Quarry(S) (20th Century)
Canmore ID 359507
Site Number NS24NW 125
NGR NS 22578 48297
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council North Ayrshire
- Parish West Kilbride
- Former Region Strathclyde
- Former District Cunninghame
- Former County Ayrshire
Desk Based Assessment (November 2014 - March 2015)
A desk-based assessment and reconnaissance field survey have been carried out for the Proposed Development Site. Seventeen cultural heritage assets (sites and features) have been identified within the Proposed Development Site. These range in date from the early prehistoric (Neolithic/Bronze Age) to the post-medieval period and include a well-preserved cup and ring marked rock, which is a Scheduled Monument, several prehistoric artefact find-spots, a possible prehistoric enclosure and later post-medieval settlement and agrarian activity.
Funder: Community Windpower Ltd.
CFA Archaeology Ltd
OASIS ID: cfaarcha1-260699
Field Visit (10 November 2014 - 1 March 2015)
Three grass-covered quarries are visible on modern aerial photographic imagery (GoogleEarthTM) in an improved pasture field.
Field survey identified the remnants of the former quarries.
(NS 25789 48297) A sub-oval grass-covered quarry (20m by 15m and 2m-2.5m deep) aligned northeast to southwest open at the southwest edge. Occasional fragments of bedrock are visible within the northwestern end of the quarry, but there are no obvious worked faces.
(NS 22535, 48326) A roughly circular grass-covered quarry (15m in diameter and 2-3m deep).
(NS 25497 48309) An oval grass-covered quarry (25m by 10m and 1m-1.5m deep).
Information from OASIS ID: cfaarcha1-260699 (M Hastie) 2015