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Enclosure(S) (Period Unknown), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Unenclosed Settlement (Prehistoric)
Site Name Powis
Classification Enclosure(S) (Period Unknown), Rig And Furrow (Medieval) - (Post Medieval), Unenclosed Settlement (Prehistoric)
Canmore ID 35708
Site Number NO65NE 53
NGR NO 6658 5676
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Angus
- Parish Maryton
- Former Region Tayside
- Former District Angus
- Former County Angus
NO65NE 53 6658 5676.
NO 669 566 A small amount of fieldwalking was undertaken in the vicinity of a series of cropmarks lying above the 15m contour on the valley floor. These include a large ditch-defined cursus, Old Montrose (NMRS NO65NE 36), several ring-ditches, round and square barrows, a souterrain, settlement (enclosed and unenclosed), and agricultural traces. They also include a large kidney-shaped enclosure and represent a complex and long-term sequence of human activity. A lithic scatter was previously known (Sherriff 1981). Rewalking produced waste flakes and chips of flint from NO 667 562: none has secondary working. In a field centred on NO 669 566 - downslope of the cropmarks - two chips and an awl or borer were found. All are of reddish flint. Other fields produced occasional flakes or pieces. More work will be done in this area.
Sponsor: Historic Scotland
K Brophy and E Stewart 1997.
Aerial Photographic Transcription (3 December 1993 - 17 January 1994)
An aerial transcription was produced from oblique aerial photographs. Information from Historic Environment Scotland (BM) 31 March 2017.