Dunblane, 15 High Street, Da Hunter
Shop (19th Century)
Site Name Dunblane, 15 High Street, Da Hunter
Classification Shop (19th Century)
Canmore ID 353074
Site Number NN70SE 217
NGR NN 78198 01126
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
Permalink http://canmore.org.uk/site/353074
- Council Stirling
- Parish Dunblane And Lecropt
- Former Region Central
- Former District Stirling
- Former County Perthshire
Photographic Survey (28 March 2017)
DA Hunter's of Dunblane has been photographed by HES in advance of the proprietor's impending retirement.
Visited by HES Survey and Recording (ZB & IF) 28 March, 2017
Field Visit (May 2017)
One of a pair of circa late 19th century (1) purpose-built shops. Simple shop frontage comprising of fixed glazing units, a shallow stall riser, and a deep fascia with painted signage and integrated blind box (DP 248711). The lobby entrance is flanked with hopper-opening windows to provide ventilation.
Internally the shop is comprised of two rooms: a street facing retail area and a rear storeroom. Timber-lined throughout, shelving and display cabinets have been installed along with a free-standing shop counter. A sliding glazed window screen (DP248686) separates the window display from the sales area with a glazed door (DP248688) allowing access to the narrow side window. A frame is set within the shop window from which a variety of fitments can be added to create different displays (DP248685). A set of extendable poles (DP 248698) can also fitted to increase the available area of display. A variety of freestanding display fittings (hat stands, shelves, tie-displays) also remain (DP 248701). Parts of the window display system are embossed with the makers mark of Archibald Hamilton Shopfitter, 70 Glassford Street, Glasgow. The drawer unit in the stockroom (DP248699) is advised to have come from Abernethy Grocers (27 High Street) following their closure.
Mr DA Hunter established the gentlemen’s outfitters around 1913 his mother, Mrs A Hunter, already had a presence on the High Street retailing household goods(2) alongside operating a servants registry (3) at number 48.
Mr DA Hunter had been apprenticed to one of Stirling’s department stores, Thomas Menzies (4), later working at Mann, Byers & Co in Glasgow(5) before establishing his Dunblane business. Stock was once sourced, weekly, from retail and wholesale businesses in Glasgow such as Campbell Stewart and McDonald(6) and travelling sales representatives. The current proprietor, Mr Alexander Hunter, joined his father’s business later becoming the sole proprietor (7).
Mr A Hunter retains some of his father’s stock; such as detachable collars (DP 248691) in a variety of styles, top hats and hat-boxes (DP248703). Some early business records(8) also remain (DP248694) . The external shop blind is thought to be intact: Mr Hunter advises it has been little used as his father found passing lorries repeatedly clipped the extended awning.
Information from HES Survey and Recording (IF) with kind assistance from Mr Alexander (Sandy) Hunter, May, 2017.
1) Appears on the 2nd edition OS (1;2:500 series) map but not the 1st.
2) A Hunter is listed one of Dunblane’s shopkeepers/ grocers in the 1886-87 Stirlingshire General Post Office Directory. An entry as a fancy repository is listed against a Mrs A Hunter in Slater’s Royal National Commercial Directory of Scotland, 1903.
3) An agent matching domestic servants and householders.
4) Thomas Menzies, King Street, Stirling.
5) Mann, Byres & Co, merchants and manufacturers. Once occupied offices along Glassford Street and Virginia Street and retailed from Argyle Street. The business was wound up in 1938, stock being acquired by Campbell Stewart and McDonald. Information from The Glasgow Story www.theglasgowstory.com accessed May 2017.
6) Sited on Buchanan Street. Later acquired by House of Fraser, information from http://www.housefraserarchive.ac.uk/company/?id=c1224, accessed May 2017.
7) Information on his family's business provided by Mr A Hunter.
8) Day and account books within the period 1912-1942 have been deposited with Stirling Council Archive, accession reference A1439.