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Boundary Dyke (Period Unassigned), Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval), Structure(S) (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Sherrabeg
Classification Boundary Dyke (Period Unassigned), Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Shieling Hut(S) (Post Medieval), Structure(S) (Period Unassigned)
Alternative Name(s) Glenshero Estate
Canmore ID 332255
Site Number NN59SE 82
NGR NN 56716 92764
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Laggan
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Badenoch And Strathspey
- Former County Inverness-shire
Field Walking (13 July 2011 - 15 July 2011)
NN 56716 92764 A desk-based assessment and walkover survey were undertaken 13–15 July 2011 on an area of proposed woodland planting. The survey identified eight new archaeological sites including two shielings, a turf and stone enclosure, the ephemeral remains of a house, byre and bothy, and fragmentary turf and stone boundary dykes.
(NN 56398 92570) A stone / turf subcircular shieling measuring 7m E-W by 4.5m over walls spread to 1m wide and surviving up to 0.4m high; entrance 0.8m wide in N wall.
(NN 56398) A stone / turf subcircular shieling measuring 7m E-W by 4.5m over walls spread to 1m wide and surviving up to 0.4m high; entrance 0.8m wide in N wall E-W Very degraded)
(NN 55889 92513) Shieling Located below a birch tree is a stone-built subcircular cellular structure measuring 2m diameter over walls 0.4m wide surviving up to 0.5m high; possible entrance 0.6m wide in E side .
(NN 56426 92737) Enclosure Turf dyke running along base of prominent knoll, measuring 1m wide across by 0.6m high; some stone visible in bank at W end
(NN 56747 92776) Dyke Turf / stone dyke with walls spread to 1m wide surviving to 0.5m high; disappears at W end and runs to stream at E; there were iron fence posts set into top E-W
(NN 56669 92767) Dyke Turf / stone dyke with walls spread to 1m wide surviving to 0.4m high; runs around base of prominent green knoll N-S .
(NN 56843 92911) Bothy Turf / stone bothy or shieling measuring 6m long E-W by 4m wide over walls spread to 0.7m wide surviving up to 0.4m high; possible entrance in NE end; low turf bank runs off E corner for 5m E-W.
(NN 56885 92909) At base of NE-facing slope, 4m SW of stream, are the very degraded remains of a stone/turf rectilinear structure measuring 9m E-W by 5m wide over walls spread to 1.2m wide and surviving to 0.5m high; entrance in NE end 0.7m wide. Attached to this is a turf bank 1m wide standing up to 0.3m high linking to a a byre located 2m N of the rectilinear structure, comprising a turf/stone structure measuring 6m E-W by 4.5m wide over walls spread to 1m wide and standing up to 0.3m high; possible entrance in E side
(NN 56901 92927) Bridge abuttments To the S of road bridge over stream are two abuttments or revetment walls comprising drystone battered walling; probably old bridge foundations; on the SW side the degraded abutment is 3m wide and standing to 1m high, NE side is 7m long by 1.4m high.
Archive: Highland HER, RCAHMS and WCAS (intended)
Funder: Glenshero Estate / Bidwells
West Coast Archaeological Services, 2011
OASIS ID: westcoas1-108609