Islay, Kildalton Chapel Burial Ground, Kildalton 2
Cross Slab (Early Medieval)
Site Name Islay, Kildalton Chapel Burial Ground, Kildalton 2
Classification Cross Slab (Early Medieval)
Canmore ID 319625
Site Number NR45SE 3.04
NGR NR 4580 5083
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Argyll And Bute
- Parish Kildalton And Oa
- Former Region Strathclyde
- Former District Argyll And Bute
- Former County Argyll
Field Visit (June 1982)
(2) Thin slab of epidiorite, 0.70m in length by 0.19m in maximum width, pointed at the foot. It bears an incised outline cross whose arms are set at the mid-point of the shaft. The end of the left arm is open, possibly as the result of damage to the edge. This stone was found in 1882, face downwards, immediately below the SW corner of the socket-stone of the Kildalton Cross, number 1; below it were water-worn pebbles covering human bones. By virtue of its shape this slab would have made a convenient wedge for levelling the cross-base, and it must remain doubtful whether it was originally associated with the burial. (NMAS cast IB4, on loan to Museum of Islay Life, Port Charlotte; Proc Scot Antiq Scot, 1883 and 1922-3; Graham, 1895; Lament, 1968).
Visited by RCAHMS June 1982
Measured Survey (1982 - 1983)
RCAHMS created measured survey drawings of the following stones from Kildalton, in addition to the great cross (1):
Early Christian stones (2), (3) and (4) and cross-base (5); and (24), described as 'probably post-Reformation'.
The 1:10 drawings were published at 1:15 (RCAHMS 1984, figs. 212B-E, 215A). At the time (2) was in the NMAS, (3) and (4) were at the Museum of Islay Life, Port Charlotte, and (5) and (24) were in the church.