Auchtermuchty, Croft, Parish Church
Church (18th Century), Church (Medieval)
Site Name Auchtermuchty, Croft, Parish Church
Classification Church (18th Century), Church (Medieval)
Canmore ID 30244
Site Number NO21SW 1
NGR NO 23907 11700
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Fife
- Parish Auchtermuchty
- Former Region Fife
- Former District North East Fife
- Former County Fife
NO21SW 1.00 23907 11700
NO21SW 1.01 23908 11691 Churchyard
The church of Auchtermuchty was granted to the Abbey of Lindores in 1350.
The present church was built in 1780.
A H Millar 1895.
The present church (at NO 2390 1170) is almost certainly on the site of the 14th century church. (Information from T Lithgow, The Manse, Authermuchty)
No further information.
Visited by OS (R D) 20 March 1967.
Measurements of Church
1793 GD 26/10/108
Critical observations on the Church. Intention appears to be to avoid repetition of mistakes when building the Church at [Monimail]. The writer would like the new church sited towards the Green. Signature illegible.
17[93] GD 26/10/108
Building an addition to Parish Church.
1837 GD 152/117/(2)
Addition to the Church. Mr Howden reports on the Meeting of Heritors to discuss the addition. Letter to O Tyndall Bruce. Simpson's plans and specifications together with an estimate have been received. Letter includes a sketch drawn by Mr Howden of the stair access. GD 152/53/2/Bundle/15/17
[*The firm was Steedman Simpson and David Simpson. Building was supervised by Robert Hutchison]
Estimate by Steedman and Simpson for building an addition to the Parish Church. It amounts to ?458.13.4 and is signed by David Simpson, Architect. The work is to be superintended and inspected by Robert Hutchinson of Coalton of Balgonie.
17 July 1837 GD 132/117/2/6
Addition and alteration to the Parish Church. Receipted account from Robert Hutchison for examining the Plan, advising about the addition and alteration estimating the cost and superintending the work ?18.7.6.
1837 GD 152/84/218 Part II [Factor's Number]
Building of the new Church. Letter from James Gilmour to O Tyndall Bruce. More stone is required to complete the front wall.
12 March 1850 GD 152/53/6/Bundle 32/17
Scroll plan of seats in Auchtermuchty Church. Payment of 10/6 to John Hay for making it. Receipt.
1833 GD 152/53/1/Bundle 20/59
Proposed addition to the Parish Church. Letter from the Rev Robert Johnstone to Mr Tyndall Bruce. He expresses the congregation's gratitude for the encouragement received from Mr and Mrs Bruce and added a sketch plan of the proposed addition.
17 June 1837 GD 152/117/2/4
Proposed addition to the Parish Church. The plan has met with the approval of Heritors and Parishioners and [David] Simpson has assured them that the cost will not exceed ?500. Mr Simpson has been asked to obtain estimates. Letter from Walter Cook, Writer, to O Tyndall Bruce.
1 July 1837 GD 152/117/2/5
Photographic Survey (June 1957)
Photographs of buildings in Auchtermuchty, Fife, by the Scottish National Buildings Record in June 1957.
Publication Account (1981)
One of the earliest references to the church of Auchtermuchty occurs in 1350 when it was granted to Lindores Abbey (Millar, 1895, i, 254). At the Reformation the -parish was placed in the care of a leader and did not get its first minister until 1574. One of the earliest ministers proved to be unpopular with church authorities for he was found to be 'ane frequent hunter with dogs, ane player at cards and a runner of horses upon courses' and for this he was 'gravelie rebuikit and expressly inhibite to frequent any of the former games in tyme coming' (Millar, 1895, i, 254-255). The parish church was prominently situated in Kirk Wynd, near the cross and was rebuilt in 1780, quite probably on the site of the earlier foundation.
Information from ‘Historic Auchtermuchty: The Archaeological Implications of Development’, (1981).