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Bellevue, Beauly
Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Lithic Scatter(S) (Prehistoric), Shell Midden (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Bellevue, Beauly
Classification Enclosure (Period Unassigned), Lithic Scatter(S) (Prehistoric), Shell Midden (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 293433
Site Number NH54NE 80
NGR NH 550 480
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Kilmorack
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Inverness
- Former County Inverness-shire
NH54NE 80 550 480
Embanked enclosure; reclaimed by Napoleonic prisoners of war? Beauly SSSI site 38.
CFA/MORA Coastal Assessment Survey 1998.
Project (2013)
NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48 and NH 55 49 The Tarradale Archaeological Project (an approved NOSAS project) continued in 2013. Fieldwalking in the fields to the E, W and N of Tarradale House produced almost 300 lithic finds, mainly flint, and many of them of microlithic size, making the total recorded to over 500 lithics. The majority of the lithic finds can be classified as debitage but there are a number of reworked flakes, end scrapers and side scrapers. All lithic finds are plotted by GPS and analysis of the mapped distribution shows a distinct concentration along an abandoned shoreline 10–15m above current OD and up to 200m inland from the Beauly Firth. This distribution also includes the inferred sites of seven shell middens identified from the presence of marine mollusc shells in the ploughsoil. In 2011 test pitting at the site of a spread of recently ploughed up marine molluscs demonstrated the existence of a very large shell midden, which also contained pieces of bone and antler. Radiocarbon dates for these were obtained in 2013 (courtesy of the University of Aberdeen) and dated the shell midden to the seventh millennium BC (hazel charcoal was dated to 6632–6480 cal BC and antler to 6204–6005 cal BC, both at 95.4% probability). Other lithic finds from fieldwalking in 2013 included a fine leaf-shaped arrowhead, a triangular arrowhead and a tanged and barbed arrowhead. Fieldwalking on the site of the inferred Tarradale Castle produced further eroded sherds of medieval pottery, iron nails and animal food wastes.
In February 2013 the University of Aberdeen carried out a geophysical survey in a field where aerial photographs strongly suggest the presence of a barrow cemetery, with both round- and square-ditched barrows (centred on NH 5485 4890). This investigation included magnetic susceptibility of the wider area of the cemetery, with results suggesting that some barrows identifiable in earlier aerial photographs may no longer survive under the eroding ploughsoil. A resisitivity survey of a smaller area in a more favourable location showed the presence of at least one square barrow.
Archive: Highland HER, local library and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: NOSAS (in kind) and University of Aberdeen
Eric Grant, Tarradale Archaeological Project, 2013
(Source: DES)
Earth Resistance Survey (2013)
NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48 and NH 55 49
Resistivity survey.
Archive: Highland HER, local library and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: NOSAS (in kind) and University of Aberdeen
Eric Grant, Tarradale Archaeological Project, 2013
(Source: DES)
Magnetic Susceptibility (2013)
NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48 and NH 55 49
Magnetic susceptibility survey.
Archive: Highland HER, local library and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: NOSAS (in kind) and University of Aberdeen
Eric Grant, Tarradale Archaeological Project, 2013
(Source: DES)
Field Walking (January 2014 - November 2014)
NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48 and NH 55 49 The Tarradale Archaeological Project continued, January – November 2014. Fieldwalking was undertaken in the fields to the E, W and N of Tarradale House during the brief period between fields being ploughed and sown. Finds include c250 lithics, mainly flint but also quartz and chert, the majority being debitage
but finished artefacts include projectile points, side and end scrapers and borers. All lithic finds are plotted by GPS and analysis of the distribution shows a clear concentration along an abandoned shoreline 10–15m above current OD, and with a clear correspondence with the sites of up to seven shell middens, somewhat scattered by ploughing, although at least one shell midden is protected under a thick layer of topsoil at the foot of a slope.
Radiocarbon dates of c6500 BC from test pits at this site were reported in DES 2013, 120–121. Post-excavation analysis of a sample of the shell midden showed that it contained large numbers of molluscs as well as animal bones and pieces of antler. Detailed analysis of the molluscs showed that, although oysters predominated through their size and total weight, the largest numbers of molluscs present in the midden were
mussels followed by periwinkles.
Field walking has also revealed a relatively dense concentration of medieval ceramics in the area of the castle (the exact position of the castle has largely been identified from the mapped distribution of medieval ceramics) with a thinner spread of medieval ceramics in the adjacent fields. The ceramic finds have not been fully analysed but they appear to be jugs of assumed local redwares, with some imports from Yorkshire and the Low Countries. Large numbers of early modern and later modern ceramics collected during field walking are probably secondary deposits, ending up in the fields through manuring. Preliminary analysis of these post medieval ceramics has shown that there is a preponderance of redwares and stonewares from the early modern period with only relatively few shards of tin glazed earthenwares and porcelain. Later ceramic finds show a wide range of earthenwares and whitewares with a few examples of finer quality ceramics probably originally emanating from
Tarradale House the original Tarradale estate mansion and farm.
Controlled metal detecting recovered a large range of mainly copper alloy artefacts including the cutting edge of a Sompting type late Bronze Age socketed axe. The finds of iron nails and medieval coins map the location and local sphere of influence of the medieval castle destroyed by Robert Bruce in 1308.
Metal detectorists who are not members of the project also work in the area and in September 2014 one found a beautifully preserved early Bronze Age flat copper alloy axe. This axe had been tinned, which probably helped in preserving it and it is likely that it was a secondary deposit quite close to a Neolithic chambered cairn. This find has been reported to the Treasure Trove unit.
Archive: Tarradale House (currently). Highland HER, local library and RCAHMS (intended)
Funder: NOSAS (in kind)
Eric Grant – NOSAS
(Source: DES)
Field Walking (January 2015 - March 2015)
NH 53 48, NH 53 49, NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48, NH 55 49 Fieldwalking continued from January to March 2015 in the period between ploughing and sowing. The aim is to walk every ploughed field within the Tarradale study area at least twice. The fields nearest Tarradale House have now been walked twice and in 2015 the project concentrated on fieldwalking further W around Gilchrist Church, the old parish church of the former parish of Tarradale (now a mausoleum). Increased presence of medieval pottery was identified in the fields close to the church along with a specific concentration of medieval pottery suggestive of a homestead site. A silver sixpence of Queen Elizabeth I (dated 1581) was found near Gilchrist Church.
Stone axe probably from Creag na Caillich axe factory, near Killin The usual range of lithics was found throughout the wider study area, including artefacts identifiable as Mesolithic, as well as Neolithic and Bronze Age projectile points, blades and scrapers. Two barbed and tanged flint arrowheads were found as well as a broken leaf shaped arrowhead. A small piece of Rum bloodstone debitage was found but the most significant lithic find of the fieldwalking season was the major part of a polished green-stone axe, probably from Creag na Caillich, Killin. All lithic finds are plotted by GPS and a distinct pattern of concentration of Mesolithic type lithics has been identified immediately inland of a post-glacial abandoned shoreline which is present today as a degraded sandy cliff. A number of shell middens has been identified above and below this former shoreline and fieldwalking identified an additional shell midden site near Bellevue Farm.
In addition to fieldwalking, NOSAS members also sorted and identified medieval and post-medieval pottery, slag, nails and other metals found by fieldwalking This indoor activity is helping to create an understanding of the source of the medieval and post-medieval pottery and other found artefacts which can be used for further analysis as well as a reference collection. Controlled metal detecting also yielded a considerable number of mainly post-medieval artefacts including 17th-century Scottish coins (ie Turners) as well as shoe buckles, pieces of horse harness, musket balls and other commonplace metal detecting finds. A 13th-century silver penny was found, making a total of six silver pennies found in the area around the inferred site of Tarradale Castle.
The most significant activity of the season was a small excavation on the site of one of the shell middens close to Tarradale House. This was unexpectedly discovered during coring in a small area of the presumed site of Tarradale Castle. The coring had been undertaken to assess the archaeological potential of a small area of land which is not currently ploughed. No trace of the medieval castle was found in the area tested (apart from one piece of medieval pottery) but a test pit revealed a clear layer of shells below an older plough soil. The test pit was extended into a trench, and this showed that the shell midden covered at least 10m² and probably considerably more. This small excavation, in October 2015, showed that the shell midden lay directly on a former raised beach largely made up of cobbles, pebbles and gravel which probably represented materials sorted by marine action from the fluvio-glacial sands and gravels that underlie the whole area of raised estuarine beaches.
In addition to a wide range of molluscs similar to that found in the shell midden investigated four years ago, the current shell midden also yielded a number of pieces of animal bone including two dog teeth as well as an antler tine and small deposits of charcoal and what may be carbonised
seeds. The upper levels of the midden had been disturbed by the creation of rig and furrow, of indeterminate date, and the upper horizon of the midden reflected the wavelike pattern of rigs. Where the furrows had been created, the surviving shell midden was thinner and there was evidence of the furrows having initially been hand dug, with spits of midden material mixed with soil thrown up on top of the surviving rigs. The rig and furrow is just apparent on the
current ground surface and has probably survived as this area is too small for ploughing with modern machinery and has been left fallow.
The main area of the midden appears to be at a height of c9m OD (the midden excavated four years ago was at a height of over 20m OD) and it is not known how the current midden may chronologically relate to the previously investigated midden and other middens in the study area. The southern extent of the midden had clearly been destroyed where modern ploughing had truncated the site. One piece of flint with use wear on two edges was found in the midden, but in the field immediately to the S of the midden a considerable number of lithics and bone fragments have been found during fieldwalking, and they are now considered to have come from near or at least been associated with the recently excavated midden. At the time of writing, post excavation
analysis of the finds had just commenced.
Archive: Tarradale House (currently), Highland HER and National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) intended
Funder: NOSAS (In kind plus some post excavation costs)
Eric Grant - NOSAS
(Source: DES, Volume 16)
Field Walking (January 2015 - March 2015)
NH 53 49, NH 54 48, NH 54 49, NH 55 48, NH 55 49 Fieldwalking continued from January to March 2015 in the period between ploughing and sowing. The aim is to walk every ploughed field within the Tarradale study area at least twice. The fields nearest Tarradale House have now been walked twice and in 2015 the project concentrated on fieldwalking further W around Gilchrist Church, the old parish church of the former parish of Tarradale (now a mausoleum). Increased presence of medieval pottery was identified in the fields close to the church along with a specific concentration of medieval pottery suggestive of a homestead site. A silver sixpence of Queen Elizabeth I (dated 1581) was found near Gilchrist Church.
Stone axe probably from Creag na Caillich axe factory, near Killin The usual range of lithics was found throughout the wider study area, including artefacts identifiable as Mesolithic, as well as Neolithic and Bronze Age projectile points, blades and scrapers. Two barbed and tanged flint arrowheads were found as well as a broken leaf shaped arrowhead. A small piece of Rum bloodstone debitage was found but the most significant lithic find of the fieldwalking season was the major part of a polished green-stone axe, probably from Creag na Caillich, Killin. All lithic finds are plotted by GPS and a distinct pattern of concentration of Mesolithic type lithics has been identified immediately inland of a post-glacial abandoned shoreline which is present today as a degraded sandy cliff. A number of shell middens has been identified above and below this former shoreline and fieldwalking identified an additional
shell midden site near Bellevue Farm.
In addition to fieldwalking, NOSAS members also sorted and identified medieval and post-medieval pottery, slag, nails and other metals found by fieldwalking This indoor activity is helping to create an understanding of the source of the medieval and post-medieval pottery and other found
artefacts which can be used for further analysis as well as a reference collection. Controlled metal detecting also yielded a considerable number of mainly post-medieval artefacts including 17th-century Scottish coins (ie Turners) as well as shoe buckles, pieces of horse harness, musket balls and other commonplace metal detecting finds. A 13th-century silver penny was found, making a total of six silver pennies found in the area around the inferred site of Tarradale Castle.
The most significant activity of the season was a small excavation on the site of one of the shell middens close to Tarradale House. This was unexpectedly discovered during coring in a small area of the presumed site of Tarradale Castle. The coring had been undertaken to assess the archaeological potential of a small area of land which is not currently ploughed. No trace of the medieval castle was found in the area tested (apart from one piece of medieval pottery) but a test pit revealed a clear layer of shells below an older plough soil. The test pit was extended into a trench, and this showed that the shell midden covered at least 10m² and probably considerably more. This small excavation, in October 2015, showed that the shell midden lay directly on a former raised beach largely made up of cobbles, pebbles and gravel which probably represented materials sorted by marine action from the fluvio-glacial sands and gravels that underlie the whole area of raised estuarine beaches.
In addition to a wide range of molluscs similar to that found in the shell midden investigated four years ago, the current shell midden also yielded a number of pieces of animal bone including two dog teeth as well as an antler tine and small deposits of charcoal and what may be carbonised seeds. The upper levels of the midden had been disturbed by the creation of rig and furrow, of indeterminate date, and the upper horizon of the midden reflected the wavelike pattern of rigs. Where the furrows had been created, the surviving shell midden was thinner and there was evidence of the furrows having initially been hand dug, with spits of midden material mixed with soil thrown up on top of the surviving rigs. The rig and furrow is just apparent on the current ground surface and has probably survived as this area is too small for ploughing with modern machinery and has been left fallow.
The main area of the midden appears to be at a height of c9m OD (the midden excavated four years ago was at a height of over 20m OD) and it is not known how the current midden may chronologically relate to the previously investigated midden and other middens in the study area. The southern extent of the midden had clearly been destroyed where modern ploughing had truncated the site. One piece of flint with use wear on two edges was found in the midden, but in the field immediately to the S of the midden a considerable number of lithics and bone fragments have been found during fieldwalking, and they are now considered to have come from near or at least been associated with the recently excavated midden. At the time of writing, post excavation analysis of the finds had just commenced.
Archive: Tarradale House (currently), Highland HER and National Record of the Historic Environment (NRHE) intended
Funder: NOSAS (In kind plus some post excavation costs)
Eric Grant - NOSAS
(Source: DES, Volume 16)