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Dornoch, Dornoch Business Park
No Class (Event) (Period Unassigned)
Site Name Dornoch, Dornoch Business Park
Classification No Class (Event) (Period Unassigned)
Canmore ID 293315
Site Number NH78NE 107
NGR NH 7 8
Datum OSGB36 - NGR
- Council Highland
- Parish Dornoch
- Former Region Highland
- Former District Sutherland
- Former County Sutherland
NH78NE 107 796 894
NH 796 894 A programme of archaeological investigative works was undertaken during June 2006 in respect of the proposed commercial development at Dornoch Business Park, Dornoch. The evaluation consisted of 12 trenches covering 10% of the total area, supported by a metal detector survey.
Overlying the development area was light brown silty sand topsoil up to 800mm in depth. Several of the trenches contained dark brown silty sand with frequent shell inclusions and bone fragments, a possible medieval cultivation soil, underlying the topsoil. High water tables due to close proximity of the sea and Black Burn had resulted in the build-up of organic deposits in the central naturally lower section of the area. The exposed subsoil was sandy, with colour varying from pale yellow to grey/brown.
Nine possibly significant archaeological features were identified, comprising a possible truncated posthole, seven rectangular pits and a possible ditch/pit feature. These were concentrated in the NE and part of the SE section of the development area and were therefore associated with the area of cultivable ground. However, the lack of any diagnostic material from these features makes the interpretation of date and function problematic
Report to Highland Archaeology Service and archive to NMRS.
Sponsor: Highland Council.
Amanda Gow and Douglas Gordon, 2006.
Archaeological Evaluation (June 2006)
NH 796 894 A programme of archaeological investigative works was undertaken during June 2006 in respect of the proposed commercial development at Dornoch Business Park, Dornoch. The evaluation consisted of 12 trenches covering 10% of the total area, supported by a metal detector survey.
Overlying the development area was light brown silty sand topsoil up to 800mm in depth. Several of the trenches contained dark brown silty sand with frequent shell inclusions and bone fragments, a possible medieval cultivation soil, underlying the topsoil. High water tables due to close proximity of the sea and Black Burn had resulted in the build-up of organic deposits in the central naturally lower section of the area. The exposed subsoil was sandy, with colour varying from pale yellow to grey/brown.
Nine possibly significant archaeological features were identified, comprising a possible truncated posthole, seven rectangular pits and a possible ditch/pit feature. These were concentrated in the NE and part of the SE section of the development area and were therefore associated with the area of cultivable ground. However, the lack of any diagnostic material from these features makes the interpretation of date and function problematic
Report to Highland Archaeology Service and archive to NMRS.
Sponsor: Highland Council.
A Gow and D Gordon 2006